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JAHF Board of Trustees Approve New Grants Totaling Over $2.5 Million

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The John A. Hartford Foundation Board of Trustees approved new grants totaling $2,532,783 with the purpose of improving the lives of older adults by fostering social connections, reframing aging, and analyzing policies impacting the older population.

The grant for the "National Center to Reframe Aging: Driving Toward Sustainability and Long-Term Social Change" will continue to support the National Center to Reframe Aging which works to counter unproductive beliefs about aging that are barriers to improving the care for older people.

The grant for "Fostering Social Connection for Older Adults and Caregivers in Communities: Planning Grant" will support USAging in the improvement of the health of older adults and their caregivers through replication of evidence-based social connection programs in communities.

The grant for "Older Adults at Risk: The Future of Medicaid and the Older Americans Act" will support KFF in conducting a series of analyses to assess the implications of potential changes to Medicaid and the Older Americans Act using the most current national and state-level data.