Financial Management Services (FMS) Conference - 2009
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This biennial workshop was held in Baltimore, November 16 & 17. The conference offered two workshop tracks: a Strategic Track dedicated to big picture FMS issues facing state and program administrators and a Tactical Track dedicated to technical and operational issues. The IRS unveiled updated guidance specifically for participant direction Fiscal/Employer Agents and will even offered an informal, face-to-face question and answer booth. Review the presentations for further guidance.
National Resource Center for Participant-Directed Services, (NRCPDS)
IRS; Participant Direction; The State of Participant Direction in Medicaid; New Guidance from the Internal Revenue Service and What it Means for Participant Direction and Fiscal/Employer Agents; Tax Forms; Provision of Fiscal/Employer Agent Services; Forms Required by Fiscal/Employer Agents; National Resource Center for Participant-Directed Services; Strategies for Monitoring Participant Directed Services with a Focus on Financial Management Services; Cash and Counseling Programs; Fiscal/Employer Agents: Challenges in Operations and Compliance; FICA; FUTA; Debit Cards in Participant
Direction; Collaboration between Counselors and Fiscal/Employer Agents; FMS; Administration on Aging Community Living Program; Veterans Health Administration Veterans-Directed Home and Community Based Services Programs; Financial Management Service; Collaborating with Provider Agencies to Improve Participant Choice, Control and Access; Agency with Choice: Past, Present and Future; Worker Unionization in Participant Direction Programs: Impact on State and Financial Management Services Operations; States and Financial Management Services; McGaffigan, Erin; Spencer, Larry; Sciegaj, Mark; Sowers, Mary; Peltz, Linda; Wironen, Jim; Davis, Judith; Cook, Janine; MacDonald, Lynn; Kayala, Dianne; Barrett, Sandra; Byrd, Kristin; Carmichael, John; Carmichael, Dianne; Downey, Annette; Mohammed, Vade;
Direction; Collaboration between Counselors and Fiscal/Employer Agents; FMS; Administration on Aging Community Living Program; Veterans Health Administration Veterans-Directed Home and Community Based Services Programs; Financial Management Service; Collaborating with Provider Agencies to Improve Participant Choice, Control and Access; Agency with Choice: Past, Present and Future; Worker Unionization in Participant Direction Programs: Impact on State and Financial Management Services Operations; States and Financial Management Services; McGaffigan, Erin; Spencer, Larry; Sciegaj, Mark; Sowers, Mary; Peltz, Linda; Wironen, Jim; Davis, Judith; Cook, Janine; MacDonald, Lynn; Kayala, Dianne; Barrett, Sandra; Byrd, Kristin; Carmichael, John; Carmichael, Dianne; Downey, Annette; Mohammed, Vade;
National Resource Center for Participant-Directed Services