Training materials

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Did You Know, Now You Know training

Provided by Family Voices of Wisconsin, this training is organized into two modules and designed to provide a comprehensive, primary overview of health care and community supports for children and youth. The overall goal of this initiative is to help families access services that will benefit their children. The goal is that one day, they won't hear parents say, \"Why didn't anybody tell me about this before?!\" Presentation slides and evaluations are included.

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PASS Self-Assessment Tool for Consumer

This tool is designed to equip consumers with the tools necessary to develop a job description, to screen and interview potential employers (personal assistants), and to train new personal assistants as well as address consumers physical needs, leisure and community needs. There are over 30 checklist forms to help determine need. This publication was produced by the Tennessee Personal Assistance Supports and Services (PASS) program.

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PASS User\'s Guide: A Comprehensive Guide to Assist Individuals in Self-Direction

The Tennessee Personal Assistance Supports and Services program developed this comprehensive guide to assist individuals in self-direction. The guide provides people with disabilities the information and tools needed to hire and manage a Personal Assistant. The guide discusses the differences between hiring individually or through an agency, how to process a self-assessment, offers job descriptions and performance expectations, and other checklists.

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PASS Mentor\'s Guide: A Handbook for Mentors and Agencies

Through the Tennessee Personal Assistance Supports and Services (PASS) Program, people with disabilities will have the opportunity to self-direct the care and assistance they receive in order to live full, productive lives in their own homes and communities. This guide is designed as a handbook for agencies and mentors and offers practical information about the benefits of the mentoring process, describes roles, and offers training guidelines.

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Community Living Brief: States\' Initiatives to Address the Needs of Persons Dually Diagnosed with Psychiatric and Developmental Disabilities

The aim of this policy brief is to offer state planners and program administrators an overview of strategies being used to improve and develop programs to support individuals with co-occurring psychiatric and developmental disabilities.

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Consumer-Directed Model Training Manual and Personal Care Attendant Handbook

The Arkansas IndependentChoices program developed two new tools. The Consumer-Directed training manual will provide users with ideas and suggestions on hiring, training, and managing a personal care attendant. The Personal Care Attendant handbook will provide users with training material that will help trainees do their job as a personal care attendant. Both manuals contain information about hiring, communication and management issues.

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Deficit Reduction Act Teleconference Archive

Review the archives from the June 28, 2006 Deficit Reduction Act teleconference with Kathy Rama and Donna Schmidt of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The call includes discussion of section 1937 and the option of states to amend their state plan to provide alternative benefit packages to beneficiaries, without regard to comparability, statewideness, freedom of choice or other traditional Medicaid requirements.

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Consultant Training Program

This manual is intended to address two identified training needs for consultants/support brokers working with participants in self-directed care. MODULE ONE: Facilitating the Paradigm Shift for Consultants and MODULE TWO: The Dynamics of Choice and Decision-Making for Participants. The program identifies training needs by addressing the philosophical framework necessary for successful implementation of a participant-directed service and was designed to be delivered in two half-day sessions.

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Promoting Self-Direction and Consumer Control in Home and Community Based Service Systems

The third paper in the series examines what contemporary social service systems can do to promote consumer-directed services. We identify different features that make a service \"self-directed,\" and we identify characteristics of successful consumer direction and self-determination. In its present form, this paper serves as foundation work for additional dialogue and will also undergo continuing development in discussions with representatives of projects and consumer leaders in states.

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Hallmarks and Features of High Quality Community Based Services

The second in the series, this paper identifies the features of high-quality integrated community services and the systems that support them and serves as the foundation work for additional exploration. The paper will undergo continuing development in discussions with representatives of projects and consumer leaders, will augment assessment of existing systems and planning of new or improved systems, and ideally become an even more useful tool for those involved in systems transformation.

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