Training materials

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Key Components of Systems Change

First of Three Papers on Unlocking the Code of Effective Systems Change - This paper attempts to create an overall framework for the discussion of systems change and to give a summary of the concepts. Several specific recommendations from other successful programs and the recommendations and guidance of the colloquium participants, can be applied now by any grantee, state, or program to enhance prospects of achieving enduring change in home- and community-based services.

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Essentials of Housing Teleconference - March 2006

Essentials of Housing Teleconference was held with Guest Person, Stephen Gold, regarding a systems change strategy to provide training with regards to the largest housing programs in the nation with a focus on recipients of SSI. These included: 1) low-income housing tax credit program, with nearly $600 billion available annually for units, and 2) the HOME Partnership program, with $1.4 billion available annually. Jay Klein facilitated this call.

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Personal Care Service Workers Employee Handbook and Program Skills Training Notebook

The Granite State Independent Living (GSIL) program has developed two great resources offered to providers of personal care and homemaking services. This employee handbook is intended to serve as a guideline, describing the policies and procedures of GSIL’s two Attendant Care Programs, the Personal Care Attendant (PCA) Program and the Personal Care Services (PCS) Program for consumers and employees. The Skills Training notebook offers agency information and various policies.

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Financial Management for Independent Living Centers Training

IL NET of Independent Living Research Utilization (ILRU) will present a three-week distance learning course. The online program is designed to help CIL and SILC leaders manage organization finances more effectively. Upon completion, participants will be able to identify key components of sound fiscal management, develop fiscal reports, prepare and deliver agency and program budgets, identify fiscal risk management controls, and define appropriate roles for board and staff financial oversight.

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Self-Direction for People with Disabilities in Virginia Website

The Virginia Real Choice Systems Change Grantees have developed a website designed to help individuals with disabilities and those who support them learn more about self-direction. The site is a place for self-advocates to find training modules, waivers workbooks, person-centered resources, and other materials related to consumer-directed services.

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TAE Issue Brief: Relevance of Health Literacy

Health literacy can be defined as “the degree to which people can obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services they need to make appropriate health decisions. Awareness that people with low health literacy skills face difficulties accessing and navigating the health care system has prompted greater emphasis on making communications clear and easy-to-read. This issue brief offers recommendations and resources particularly for resource centers.

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Telling the Performance Story of the Real Choice Systems Change Grants

This presentation reviews important changes CMS is making in the reporting system for FY04 RCSC grants. The slides provide an overview of the “why and how of the proposed changes” offers next steps and introduces the Logic Model Framework. The Logic Model is a tool for strategic planning and program evaluation. This presentation notifies grantees of upcoming changes to the web-based reporting system and introduces the systems terminology, context and concepts.

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Cultural Competence Teleconference Transcript

Family to Family Health Information Centers look at Cultural Considerations and Differences when working with American Indians. The transcript of the Cultural Competence teleconference held on May 26, 2005 with Karen Anzola, Leau Phillips and Trish Thomas of Family Voices, Rosemary Silversmith with the Navajo Nation Growing and Beauty Program, and Carol Locust an independent consultant.

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Community Living Brief: Myths and Strategies in Addressing Violence Against People with Disabilities

This ILRU publication addresses common myths about abuse against people with disabilities by personal assistance providers and family members. The newsletter also addresses the personal barriers to stopping abuse and violence. This issue is Vol. 3, Issue 1.

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