Training materials

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Trading Place: Real Choice Systems Change Grants and the Movement to Community Based LTC Supports

The National Health Policy Forum Issue Brief provides information about Systems Change grants and the kinds of activities state Medicaid agencies have undertaken to transform their institutionally based systems. This brief raises critical policy questions related to public spending for long-term care in different settings that might be considered in tandem with future grant funding decisions.

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Medication Administration Training DVD

This DVD is an education project designed by the North Carolina Real Choice Workforce Infrastructure Development grantee and it demonstrates and reinforces the various kinds of medication aide training. The DVD is part of a traditional training course but offers a visual review on proper procedure. The DVD reviews records, hygiene, supplies and provides 13 examples of the various ways medication can be administrated.

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Curriculum for Empowering Self-Advocates

This training was designed by Montana RCSC grantees to help individuals with developmental disabilities to acquire information, skills, and tools to support them to exercise increased control over their own lives and create the quality of life they prefer. The training course is intended to be a participant-driven course. The training includes a section for introduction, being empowered, starting to take charge, being on the team, in the driver’s seat, and other issues.

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Curriculum for Empowering Advocates

Montana grantees developed the following curriculum designed for advocates which is broken into chapters that total approximately 45 hours of classroom training. Individual chapters and/or activities from this curriculum may be pulled out and adapted/utilized as needed. In certain activities, STEP, Inc. forms have been included as examples. The eleven topics range from the overview of services and eligibility to self-directed employment practices, accessing resources and a toolbox.

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The A, B, C and D’s of Medicare

The manual is subtitled the Long-Term Care Options Counseling Tool Kit: A Professional’s Guide. It describe the four parts of Medicare Part A, B, C and D; describes who is eligible for Medicare Coverage; explains the roles of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Social Security Administration and private companies as they relate to Medicare; and explains the concepts of deductibles, coinsurance and premiums.

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Real Choice Mentor Training Manual

The purpose of the New York Real Choice Training Manual is to provide formal training to self-advocates who wish to become peer mentors. Mentor trainees will learn through the adult education model, which builds on the strength, capacity and experience of the learners. Self-Advocate consultants/mentors bring with them an incredible wealth of life experiences, which prepare them for this role.

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Money Follows the Person - Getting It Done in Nevada

The purpose of this report is to provide recommended actions steps for the state of Nevada to establish structural, programmatic and funding mechanisms to facilitate a balance in resources for people with disabilities moving from institutions to community living. The primary principle of Money Follows the Person is simple and straightforward - people with disabilities should be able to decide where and how their services and supports should be provided.

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Long-Term Support Options Counseling: Decision Support in Aging and Disability Resource Centers

This paper presents the perspective that options counseling is a pivotal function of Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) and its essential elements are counseling and decision support. The diverse array of definitions currently in use runs the risk of diminishing the importance of options counseling, which is a key function of a comprehensive long-term care system.

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