Training materials

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Partnerships to Independence: Resources for Successful Nursing Home Transitions

Partnerships to Independence (PTI) was created by the Birmingham Independent Living Center in Birmingham, Alabama through a grant from CMS. This transition guide addresses nursing home outreach, support needs and skills, follow-up, and barriers. The purpose of PTI was to develop a model program that could be replicated in other CILs in Alabama and the US. ILC staff identified a number of basic resources and strategies that can be used to promote nursing home transition.

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Peer Mentor’s Mentoree Training & Resource Manuals

The Health Benefits for Workers with Disabilities contracting with Valek & Co. to design and provide services relating to the recruiting, training and matching of mentors/mentorees for those interested in sharing their experience about rejoining the workforce. Included are two versions of recruitment letters, phone scripts, booklet and flyers. They received 23 mentor applications and 19 mentoree applications. Review the extensive training materials, exit surveys, and final reports.

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Health and Benefits Training On Work and Disability

The DB 101 Training covers public and private health, benefit and employment programs and protections, Benefits Planning Calculators, plus other information and tools. Participants include benefits planners, non-profit and state agency employees. Cross agency trainees achieve an awareness level knowledge that youth and adults with disabilities can access and retain needed benefits when working. The training spans public and private health, benefit and employment programs and protections.

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Reasonable Accommodation: Presentation, Articles and FAQ

How do you define reasonable accommodation? The process is about accommodating a qualified person with a disability; it is about problem resolution and is a key nondiscrimination requirement. Alaska MIG grantees put together a presentation to explain that not every employee with a disability is going to need an accommodation but, others are excluded because of unnecessary barriers in the workplace. Two articles are included that generate interest in the training plus a two-page FAQ fact sheet.

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CPASS Handbooks and Orientation Material: Hawaii

These materials help case managers and stakeholders figure out where to get started. The Case Manager Handbook explains the roles and responsibilities, plus worksheets and evaluations. The Self-Advocate Handbook helps identify goals and create a person centered plan. The Community Support Guide and Orientation Presentation provide an overview of terms and ways to implement personal assistance programs. A one page handout on stakeholder values and vision plus the overview brochure are included.

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From Here to There...The Self-Advocacy Handbook

This unique and innovative handbook is a guide for educators, providers, support people and/or family members to use as they work closely with youth and adults with significant disabilities, mentoring them as they develop and practice self-advocacy skills that will promote the highest level of independence and success in life activities.

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Personal Assistance Services for Individuals with Serious Psychiatric Disabilities: Training Curriculum

This curriculum to train personal assistants has two elements: a competency or skill development component and a didactic or knowledge development component. The skill development components include Connecting, Coaching, Collaboration, and Managing Crises. The knowledge development component is a web-bases curriculum entitled Personal Assistance Services for Individuals with Serious Psychiatric Disabilities.

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Self-Direction Orientation: Presentation

What do people considering enrolling in a self-directed program need to consider? This presentation describes many of the considerations in detail for those living in Louisiana. The New Opportunities Waiver (NOW) is the service delivery option offered by the Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities. The slides offer an overview of key components and responsibilities of self-direction.

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Foundations in Behavioral Healthcare: Integrating approaches to planning effective interventions for adults with mental illness, substance use disorders and cognitive impairments living in public housing - A Training Curriculum

This trainings series was developed in the Fall of 2006 by DATA of Rhode Island. The goals are to provide a foundation of behavioral health care knowledge and skills for human service workers who work with adults with a range of disabilities, with an ultimate goal of human service workers helping to affect better outcomes for the persons they serve. Each of the 14 training seminar ranges in duration from 3-6 hours. Review each training curriculum module which contains the outline and slides.

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