Training materials

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An Option to Hire Relatives as Caregivers in Two States: Developing an Education and Research Agenda for Policy Decision-Makers-Presentation

This presentation outlines the debate over hiring family caregivers in the Cash & Counseling program. A two-state case study is discussed and results are presented.

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Addressing Liability Issues in Consumer-Directed Personal Assistance Services (CDPAS): The National Cash & Counseling Demonstration and Selected Other Models

Liability issues pertaining to consumer-directed personal assistant services are discussed in this report. Issues are divided into topics including consumer-worker relationships, the risk of fiscal agents, the risk of consultants, and the risk for states and government entities. The report goes onto provide options to address liability risks.

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Self-Determination: The Fierce Urgency of Now An Invitational State of the Science Summit

The SAMHSA and NIDRR-funded UIC National Research and Training Center on Psychiatric Disability has recently posted a series of podcasts and slides from their 2009 Summit on Self-Determination: The Fierce Urgency of Now. A range of leading national experts present on such topics as: self-directed care, eliminating disparities, microenterprises, asset building, WRAP, peer specialists, and many more.

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Support Broker Training - Idaho

Idaho’s, My Voice, My Choice training program, is an online resource for those wishing to be Support Brokers. The site’s main categories include a section for Computer Instructions, Meeting the Trainers, Readings and Activities. The course itself stresses several key concepts: Self-Determination, the Philosophical Shift that is occurring from traditional supports to a self-directed model, Person-Centered Planning, and the Ethics and Professionalism required as a successful Support Broker.

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Campaign for Quality Care: Dementia Care Practice Recommendations in a Home Setting

The Alzheimer's Association, through its Campaign for Quality Care, recently released Dementia Care Practice Recommendations for Professionals Working in a Home Setting. This report is Phase 4 of the Campaign and it covers the topics covered in Phases 1-3. The evidence-based recommendations in Phases 1-3 covered good dementia care, food and fluid consumption, pain management, social engagement, wandering, falls, physical restraints, and end-of-life-care practices and issues.

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File Downloads / Links - TrainingFinder Real-time Affiliate Integrated Network

Looking for interesting on-line training opportunities? offers a number of web-based studies, webcasts and seminars. Topics include workforce development, disability, emergency management, evaluation, home care, mental health, program development. You can search by subject or course title such as Ready, Willing and Able, a seminar about assisting people with disabilities during disasters. Many on-line courses are offered at no charge.

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Personal Assistance Services Curriculum

The purpose of a personal assistant is to help perform tasks that a person has difficulty doing due to a disability. This curriculum, developed by Boston University's Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation, delivers training to prepare individuals to become providers for those with psychiatric disabilities. Included are three skill building components each with a trainer guide and participant workbook.

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Arizona Links Options Counselor Online Tool

Looking for ways to help consumers start planning their futures? Review this self-guided program. The Arizona ADRC has completed and implemented an online Options Counselor module, as part of the state's main ADRC web site. The Options Counselor content was crafted through the cooperation of a multi-organization committee. The site function and design was developed and implemented by the Arizona Department of Economic Security, Division of Aging and Adult Services.

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Leadership Through Personal Change: Think - Plan - Do

The Stories and Guides demonstrate Think–Plan–Do: how to think about what you want, create a plan to get there, and take action to be successful. These online guides and videos help people with developmental disabilities live self-determined lives. There are 15 topics including Planning and Decision Making, Taking Care of Yourself, Listening and Speaking, and Making Goals Happen.

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