Training materials

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Work Incentives & Transition Planning for the Blind – Utah

How are work incentives and transition planning practices being approached for the blind community? Utah is training its teachers, at the Utah School for the Blind, to prepare their students for a successful transition and work life, as early as preschool. Funded by the Medicaid Infrastructure Grant, Work Ability Utah has provided their training presentations here, which could be helpful to other states dealing with a specific population or disability.

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Training For The Support of Employees With Disabilities - New Hampshire

How has New Hampshire used its MIG funds to support the career goals of individuals with disabilities? One approach was to develop training tools for job developers and administrative staff who are interested in hiring, training and supporting employees with disabilities. The following examples include a survey, staff certification information and a brochure for a series of workshops. These are available here for other states who have, or are interested in implementing similar programs.

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Medicaid and Working - Utah

Choices about employment and lifestyle are often made without full understanding of the many rules. The State of Utah wants its service providers and teachers to understand all the options so they can inform and empower people with disabilities to have increased earnings and improved quality of life. The attached presentations are training materials detailing Medicaid Work Incentives. One presentation is directed at agency and provider personnel, and the other to future teachers.

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Tanya's Story: One Woman's Experience With Florida's Consumer Directed Care Program

This video offers a first-hand account of how one consumer negotiates the Cash & Counseling program. Developed as a part of the Consultant Training Project, this piece was produced by Burness Communications with funding from CMS and MEDSTAT. Follow the link to save and view the video.

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Cash & Counseling – Supporting Independent Living Webinar

ILRU and NCIL, in collaboration with Boston College, presented a 90-minute teleconference and webcast for Centers for Independent Living interested in the national Cash & Counseling program. Participants learned how Center’s consumers can access and spend Medicaid dollars on home and community based personal assistance services. Representatives from the Independent Living movement shared how they are participating in the Cash & Counseling programs in two states.

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