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Comprehensive Results of the 2005 Participant Experience Survey (PES)

This is a comprehensive report detailing the results of Maryland's 2004 and 2005 Participant Experience Survey (PES) results. The PES is a tool, developed by Medstat that measures the experiences of participants of 1915c waivers. The Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene used funds from a 2001 Real Choice Systems Change Grant to survey two Maryland waivers, the Living at Home Waiver and the Older Adults Waiver.

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Pathways to Employment Conference: Final Report and Executive Summary

During the Pathways to Employment Conference in December 2006, the Ohio MIG program administered surveys and conducted three focus groups in order to assess the struggles and successes of consumers with disabilities in finding work, being in the workforce, and experiences with health coverage. A final report and executive summary were produced which recap and analyze the results of the surveys and focus groups.

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Intake and Referral Information: Bangor ADRC

The Bangor Eastern Agency on Aging ADRC project has shared a number of resources involving the Intake and Referral Process. The first is their policies which provide staff guidelines for consistency. The second resource is their intake questions to help record and collect information. Lastly, they have shared their feedback referral process and how to make this simple and accessible by the consumers.

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SOAR (SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery) Project

The Pre-SOAR (SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery) Data Form will be used by Oregon to capture, evaluate and report outcomes for the SOAR Technical Assistance project. The purpose is to monitor improvement, as a result of SOAR training, in accessing SSI and SSDI benefits for eligible people disabled by mental illness.

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Medicaid Survey: Wisconsin LIFE Accounts Program

What kinds of items would people enrolled in Medicaid like to save for? This is a draft version of an upcoming survey created by the Wisconsin LIFE Accounts grantees. The purpose of this questionnaire is to learn how consumers are managing their Medicaid services and to gather opinions on what items people choose to save for to improve their quality of life. A LIFE Account is a savings program that would allow you to save more than the current $2,000 asset level for Medicaid.

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Consumer-Directed Personal Care Satisfaction Survey

Granite State Independent Living (GSIL) in New Hampshire provides a Personal Care Services (PCS) program. This service is part of the Home and Community Based Care/ Elderly and Chronically Ill Waiver (HCBC/ECI) program. As part of the PCS consumer-directed model, the program is designed to provide services that assist individuals to live in a community setting. This survey is used to determine satisfaction levels.

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The New Hampshire Home Care Connections Project: Results of the Needs Survey at Baseline Summer 2005

This baseline survey has the reviews of professionals working with those at risk of losing their subsidized housing and entering a nursing facility due to emotional, cognitive, or behavioral issues. The survey was also used to better understand and identify risk factors, and import services, associated with nursing home placement, its avoidance, and training needs.

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