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State Assisted Living Policy 2002

This is The National Academy for State Health Policy (NASHP) report entitled State Assisted Living Policy 2002. This comprehensive report examines current regulations and Medicaid reimbursement policies for assisted living facilities in each of the 50 states. The report includes detailed comparisons of state policy and a summary of each state's assisted living regulations.

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GAO Report: Federal Oversight of Growing Medicaid HCBS Waivers Should Be Strengthened

The United States General Accounting Office study conducted on home and community based long-term care that is supported by Medicaid waivers. The population that they focused upon was older adults. The reasons for the study were to look at trends in uses of Medicaid waiver programs, to review quality assurance approaches used by states in their administration of the waivers, and to determine the adequacy of federal oversight of the waivers.

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Assistive Technology Resources at a State Level

As CMS grantees are continuing to identify strategies for successful nursing home transition to an array of community living options, there is an ongoing need to identify resources for support of assistive technology access and use. Each state has an AT project, which can assist you with questions about assistive technology and home use. The following brief report provides additional information about the AT Act and state contacts.

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Best Practices and Trade Secrets: How to Recruit and Train Quality Staff

Recruiting and retaining qualified workers is challenging for policy makers, providers and consumers of long term support services. The Vermont Department of Aging and Disabilities and the Division of Developmental Services organized a forum to explore best practices in Vermont. Over 140 policymakers, provider agencies, workers and advocates attended the forum. This is an overview of that forum.

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Model Communities: An Informal Discussion Among States

On July 16 and 17, 2003, representatives from a diverse assortment of states came together in Denver, Colorado, to share information, learn from one another and explore ways to help each other achieve an important, mutual goal: to build better and stronger communitiesin which people with disabilities are readily and routinely part of the fabric of everyday life. This is a report on that discussion.

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Direct Care Worker Associations and Public Authorities

This issue brief provides a snapshot of associations and public authorities. The intent of this document is to identify and describe existing approaches to addressing long-term care workforce issues, not to endorse or evaluate the different models. Website links are provided for those interested in obtaining more information about the efforts described in this document.

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Regional Housing Forum

On November 13th and 14th in Washington, D.C. teams from Kentucky, Florida, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Maryland, and Delaware and the District of Columbia participated in a Regional Housing Forum to increase understanding and shape the design and implementation of strategies that promote affordable and accessible housing choices for persons with disabilities. Forum participants generated recommendations for CMS and HUD to help support their systems change activities and improve housing choices.

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Finding and Keeping Direct Care Staff

If your job includes recruiting, training, or supervising direct care staff, then you have one of the most challenging jobs in long-term care. This Guide: •gives immediate, concrete suggestions for how to find and keep direct care staff •offers resources both within and beyond your local health care and human service systems •suggests long-term strategies—direct care staff shortages will not disappear easily or soon •offers a view of the nationwide forces causing the staffing crisis.

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Medicaid HCBS Study Reports

Reports from the CMS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (formally known as HCFA) Medicaid HCBS Study of the impact of Medicaid home and community based services programs on quality of life, quality of care, utilization and cost. The research project will study the financing and delivery of services to older and younger people with disabilities and the Medicaid financing and delivery of services for individuals with mental retardation and developmental disabilities (MR/DD) in six states.

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Stakeholder Involvement in Home and Community-Based Services: Roles in State Planning, Program Development, and Quality Improvement

This paper provides states (both the legislative and executive branches) with background about how to involve stakeholders in planning, program development, and quality improvement related to home and community-based services and supports.

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