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Review and Discussion of Current Approaches to Outcomes Measurement in Wisconsin’s Medicaid Waiver Programs

As part of the State of Wisconsin’s Quality Close to Home (QCTH) project, a contract was established with the University of Wisconsin – Madison’s Center for Health Systems Research and Analysis (CHSRA). This report describes the uses, methods, advantages, and disadvantages of four distinct sets of quality indicators, also called personal outcomes and performance outcomes. It also provides a overview, structural review and observations of the quality indicators.

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Telling the Performance Story of the Real Choice Systems Change Grants

This presentation reviews important changes CMS is making in the reporting system for FY04 RCSC grants. The slides provide an overview of the “why and how of the proposed changes” offers next steps and introduces the Logic Model Framework. The Logic Model is a tool for strategic planning and program evaluation. This presentation notifies grantees of upcoming changes to the web-based reporting system and introduces the systems terminology, context and concepts.

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A Look at Working-Age Caregivers’ Roles, Health Concerns, and Need for Support

Informal caregivers play an increasingly important role in the health care system; in 2003, nearly one of 10 working-age adults was caring for a sick or disabled family member. Yet a new Commonwealth Fund study says more than half of the 16 million caregivers, or 9 million adults have health problems of their own. As a result, many are financially vulnerable and struggle to obtain needed care. The report suggests possible policy reforms to ease their burdens.

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Real Choice Systems Change Grant Program: Third Year Report (October 1, 2003 – September 30, 2004)

This report describes the FY 2002 and FY 2003 Grantees’ challenges and progress using information provided by the Grantees during the reporting period October 1, 2003 to September 30, 2004. The report describes grant activities in four major LTC systems areas: Access to Long-Term Care Services and Supports, Services, Supports, and Housing, Administrative and Monitoring Infrastructure and Long-Term Care Service and Support Workforce

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Strategic Action Plan: The Disabled and Elderly Health Programs Group (DEHPG)

The Disabled and Elderly Health Programs Group, Center for Medicaid and State Operations, CMS invites your comments on their draft Strategic Action Plan. The action plan is a is a public declaration of what is important, a statement of accountability, and provides direction to the future. Please review and send your comments to

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Easing the Burden of Caregiving: The Impact of Consumer Direction on Primary Informal Caregivers in Arkansas

This paper assesses the effect of consumer-directed care on the emotional, physical, and financial well-being of the primary informal caregivers of the Medicaid beneficiaries who voluntarily joined Arkansas's Cash and Counseling demonstration. The implications of the demonstration find that permitting interested Medicaid beneficiaries to direct their own in-home supportive services reduces burden on informal caregivers, which may help reduce beneficiaries' nursing home use.

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Design Elements for a Quality Management System for Long-Term Care Functional Screening

The Wisconsin Department of Health & Family Services is designing an integrated state-local quality management system for the state’s HCBS long-term care programs. The Long Term Care Functional Screen (LTCFS) is a key element of their program, used for eligibility determination and rate settings. This paper explores ways to discover accuracy in the Level of Care determination process and describes an approach to LTC FS building on enhancements of current efforts and incorporating new activities.

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Streamlining Access to Home and Community-Based Services: Lessons from Washington

States seek to streamline access to HCBS in order to expedite and simplify the experience of consumers seeking services so that they receive the services they need in community settings, preventing or delaying the need for institutional care. The design of the Washington long-term support system for older adults and people with physical disabilities provides examples for other states interested in simplifying or expediting access to long-term supports.

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Implications of Project Size in Section 811 and Section 202 Assisted Projects for Persons with Disabilities: Housing Info Update #35

In recent years, there has been growing interest among different groups representing and serving persons with disabilities in providing more mainstream housing opportunities for this constituency. This HUD study finds that size plays a lesser role in project satisfaction than meeting disabled residents’ needs, preferences and requirements for supportive services.

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