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Priced Out 2004: The Housing Crisis for People with Disabilities

This newly released biennial study verifies that low-income people with disabilities are experiencing a national housing affordability crisis. The Priced Out in 2004 study compares the monthly SSI income of more than 4 million Americans with disabilities to the fair market rental rates for efficiencies and modest one-bedroom apartments in every housing market in the country. Review more facts, figures and examples about housing and the national rent increases which greatly exceed SSI Benefits.

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How Do Hired Workers Fare Under Consumer-Directed Personal Care?

This study describes the experiences of workers hired under consumer direction. The Cash and Counseling model does not appear to cause adverse consequences for the hired workers. Directly hired workers report high levels of job satisfaction and do not suffer physical or emotional hardship beyond what might be expected for individuals providing care to relatives. This report offers other information implications about consumers, their families and workers’ well-being.

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TAE Issue Brief: Relevance of Health Literacy

Health literacy can be defined as “the degree to which people can obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services they need to make appropriate health decisions. Awareness that people with low health literacy skills face difficulties accessing and navigating the health care system has prompted greater emphasis on making communications clear and easy-to-read. This issue brief offers recommendations and resources particularly for resource centers.

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ADRC Stakeholder Satisfaction Report: A Comprehensive Assessment of Consumer and Board Member Satisfaction

This report summarizes the results of the Massachusetts qualitative consumer satisfaction surveys with both ADRC consumers and surveys of the Consumer Board and Community Partners Advisory Board. The report contains the survey tool, methodology, findings and recommendations to improve satisfaction among these key stakeholder groups as part of the ADRC project’s continuous quality improvement approach.

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Access to Housing for Persons with Disabilities: Lessons Learned from Three Demonstration Projects

The Quality Choices for Maine project was conducted from 2001-2004. This report focuses on Access to Services, one part of the three-year RCSC Quality Grant. The specific housing related goal was “to improve access to community housing for people with disabilities of all types.” Project activities were overseen by the Access to Services Technical Assistance Group and a variety of stakeholders. Read the activity summaries, lessons learned and recommendations on how to sustain the work.

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National Survey of State Initiatives on the Long-Term Care Direct-Care Workforce: Survey Results 2005

This is the fifth national survey of the direct-care workforce published by the National Clearinghouse on the Direct Care Workforce. It examines public policy actions taken by states to strengthen the direct-care workforce, and updates information collected in prior surveys. Responses were received from 38 states, representing a 76 percent return rate. The report contains data tables with survey results and details national initiatives pertaining to the direct care workforce.

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Who Stays and Who Goes Home: Using National Data on Nursing Home Discharges and Long-Stay Residents to Draw Implications for Nursing Home Transition Programs

This report analyzes survey data to describe the characteristics of two groups of nursing home residents who are 65 years or older: those discharged back to the community over a one year time period and those who remain in nursing homes longer than 90 days. As some states turn their attention to returning nursing home residents to the community, this report offers insights on who to target in transition programs and what level and types of community resources are needed.

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Aged/Disabled Medicaid HCBS Waiver Programs and Family Caregiving

This Issue Brief summarizes the results of a recent descriptive study, Medicaid and Family Caregiving: Services, Supports and Strategies Among Aged/Disabled HCBS Waiver Programs in the U.S. (Feinberg & Newman, 2005). This issue brief is the first to characterize and analyze the role of Medicaid HCBS waiver programs in supporting family and informal caregivers of frail elders and adults with disabilities. The brief highlights key findings and summarizes conclusions.

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