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The State of Disability in America

The publication is an evaluation of the disability experience in America by the Life Without Limits Project, formerly known as the Big Sky Project. The primer, an examination and consolidation of current and existing research on the overall state of affairs for individuals with disabilities, includes chapters on disability rights, healthcare, education, employment, housing, and organizing for change. It also includes personal stories and quotes from disability rights advocates and trail blazers.

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Medicaid and State Budgets: Looking at the Facts

Since Medicaid is funded by states as well as the federal government, it has a considerable impact on state budgets. When considering Medicaid’s impact on state budgets and other state spending priorities, it is important to distinguish between total spending on Medicaid and spending with state funds. Often this distinction is not made. This brief examines the different measures and provides data on how much each state spends on Medicaid.

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Opportunity Partnership & Empowerment Network: A Case Study of an Effective Employee Retention Project

This report was authored by PHI for the Health Field Collaborative (HFC) in Michigan to bring attention to its approach to improving retention of entry-level workers in health care and direct-care workers in the long-term care industry. The study explains how HFC created the Opportunity Partnership & Empowerment Network (OPEN) to address a critical local need. It outlines components of the program, reviews outcomes for the pilot phase, and identifies factors for sustaining it in the future.

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Increasing Options for Self-Directed Services Initiatives of the FY 2003 Independence Plus Grantees

This report describes the activities of 12 Grantees that received Independence Plus (IP) grants in FY 2003 and are using them to increase self-directed services options for persons of all ages with disabilities or chronic illnesses. Grantees encountered a range of issues while implementing. This report provides information for states and stakeholders planning, implementing, or expanding self-direction programs, whether through solely state-funded programs or the Medicaid program.

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Pathways to Employment: Strategic Plan, Work Plan and Brochure

Supported by a CES - Medicaid Infrastructure Grant, Minnesota developed a strategic plan to increase competitive employment of people with disabilities, called Pathways to Employment. The strategic plan describes how Pathways to Employment, through its partners and stakeholders, will work together to build a more comprehensive, coordinated system of employment services and supports for Minnesotans with disabilities. Additionally, the brochure and work plans for 2006 and 2007 are included.

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Minnesota Comprehensive Employment Opportunities - Medicaid Infrastructure Grant: Strategic Plan & Funding Application

Developed by the Comprehensive Employment Opportunities – Medicaid Infrastructure grant, a strategic plan project was initiated to increase the competitive employment of people with disabilities in Minnesota. The report, based on data obtained through individual interviews and focus groups in 2005, is included. Additionally, the Continuation of Funding Application for 2006 is available.

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Medicaid Infrastructure Grant Employment Survey and Focus Group Reports - Missouri

As part of the Missouri Medicaid Infrastructure Grant, surveys and focus groups were conducted with a wide range of audiences from people with disabilities and their families to state agency staff and providers concerning employment issues. The surveys and focus groups yielded a great deal of information that is helpful in understanding the challenges people with disabilities face when trying to obtain and maintain employment. Included are three reports describing the information gathered.

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Missouri Business Leadership Network Disability Mentoring Day

The Missouri Business Leadership Network conducted a Disability Mentoring Day in St. Louis in Oct 2006 to give high school students the opportunity to engage in discussion with business leaders about concerns for furthering their education and/or entering the workforce. This program was further designed for students to network with business leaders and, for business leaders to match up with a student to mentor throughout the year. The report includes a summary of findings and recommendations.

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Medicaid Infrastructure Grant Needs Assessment in Missouri

The Institute for Human Development at the University of Missouri-Kansas City is administering the Medicaid Infrastructure Grant (MIG) to enhance the use of Medicaid resources in Missouri. This report provides a review of research and the activities and findings related to a retreat to assess needs of Missouri employers and people with disabilities. It also provides analysis of a follow-up survey of 153 agency providers and people with disabilities. Suggestions are made for future research.

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Administration of Mental Health Services by Medicaid Agencies

This report provides a state-by-state analysis of how Medicaid agencies are exercising their responsibilities for mental health services. The report is based on telephone interviews and explores how state Medicaid agencies are addressing the organization, funding, policy, management and data issues that arise from increased responsibility for mental health services. Review the findings which indicated how States have taken varying approaches to providing services.

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