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National Training Institute for Frontline Supervisors (NTIFFS) Final Report

This project was designed to refine, test and deliver a National Training Institute for Frontline Supervisors using a "Train-the-Trainer" model and a distributed learning, technical assistance and consulting model to assist community human service employers, families and consumers from across the country to recruit, retain, and train direct support professionals and Frontline Supervisors. This project used the logic model to guide the evaluative inquiry.

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ADRC-TAE Issue Brief: Hospital-Based Nursing Facility Diversion Initiatives

In what ways can the hospital discharge process divert institutional placements or trigger follow-up during the initial weeks following a nursing facility admission? This paper is intended to help states, ADRC pilot sites, or other community organizations to evaluate their options for establishing a hospital-based diversion program and, where appropriate, take steps toward implementing a successful program.

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Real Choice Systems Change Grant Program - FY 2002 Real Choice Grantees and Community-Integrated Personal Assistance Services and Supports Grantees: Final Report

This report provides an overview of 33 states’ initiatives (FY02 CPASS and Real Choice Grantees) to improve their LTC systems and the enduring improvements achieved. It includes lessons learned and recommendations that can guide states that are undertaking similar initiatives. Grantees made enduring systems improvements in five major areas—many states in more. Virtually all agreed that prior to introducing new policies and programs, it is essential to obtain stakeholder buy-in and commitment.

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Report of the Taskforce on the Aging of the American Workforce

Created in 2006 and comprised of representatives from nine federal agencies, the taskforce was charged with developing multi-agency strategies to address the aging of the workforce. This report summarizes the Taskforce’s findings and recommendations including self-employment, flexible work arrangements and customized employment. Notably they suggest exploring the increasing the employment focus of Aging and Disability Resource Centers and enhancing collaboration with One-Stop Career Centers.

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Inadanna para Tinilaika - Partners for Change: Individualized Budgeting Pilot

Partners for Change funded by the Health Care Financing Administration as a Systems Change for Community Living grant, was designed to test the concept and practice of Individualized Budgeting on Guam and the application for Community-Integrated Personal Assistance Service and Support for individuals with disabilities who require such supports to live in the most integrated community settings. This report offers recommendations, interview results, references and testimonial letters.

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Help Wanted 2: Recruiting and retaining the next generation of human services workers in Massachusetts

A series of reports, commissioned by The Massachusetts Council of Human Service Providers, contain an analysis of the human services workforce in Massachusetts and its implications for the future. Identified in the first report, job recruitment and retention are a growing concern. This second report focuses on factors contributing to the human services workforce shortage and provides insight into challenges faced by providers across the Commonwealth. Key features and strategies are outlined.

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Youth Employment Solutions – Project YES!

Youth Employment Solutions – Project YES! – is a systems change project funded by the Nebraska Health and Human Services System through Nebraska’s Medicaid Infrastructure Grant. The purpose of Project YES! is to increase the competitive employment of Nebraska’s SSI, SSDI, and CDB eligible youth in transition. A summary of the purpose of Project YES! is included, and the Community Team Summary from 2006 is attached.

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The Contribution of Self-Direction to Improving the Quality of Mental Health Services

This report focuses on adults with severe mental illness served by the public mental health system. It aims to identify and describe the range of self-directed care programs for this group being pursued by states and bring together existing evidence relating to the impact of these programs on individuals and on state resources. In doing so, it attempts to contribute to the ongoing debate about effective strategies for improving the quality and outcomes of the public mental health system.

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The Administration on Aging’s Nursing Home Diversion Program

This document provides background information on the AoA’s involvement in HCBS delivery and briefly describes three of the twelve Nursing Home Diversion demonstration projects it is funding. In 2007, the AoA invited states to submit proposals to modernize both the service and system elements of their diversion efforts. This program was created in response to an Older Americans Act mandate that AoA help expand access to HCBS long-term care options.

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Long-Term Care Financing: Policy Options for the Future

This report explores options for a new public-private partnership for long-term care financing. All the proposals presented try to move the partnership away from reliance on out-of-pocket financing by peo¬ple needing long-term care and their families, toward insurance, through which costs are spread across a broad population at risk of needing service, users and nonusers alike. They all rely on government rules or resources to promote that move and assume a mix of public and private financing.

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