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Risk of Nursing Home Admission Among Older Americans: Does States' Spending on Home- and Community-Based Services Matter?

To answer the question posed in the title, the authors studied HCBS spending and the availability of family members. Higher HCBS expenditures are found to be associated with lower risk of nursing home admission, but this association is statistically insignificant for older adults with living children. Doubling state HCBS expenditures would reduce the risk of nursing home admission among childless seniors by 35%.

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Medicaid and Long-Term Care: New York Compared to 18 Other States

New York spends more than most states on Medicaid and long-term care. To understand why this is, the following traits are evaluated: demographics of residents over 65; poverty level; long-term care spending, budgets, and services; and quality of nursing home care. The findings identify a number of demographic and program factors likely contributing to the high rate of spending.

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National Disability Policy: A Progress Report

The National Council on Disability is required by law to annually submit a report on the status of the nation in achieving policies that guarantee equal opportunity for all individuals with disabilities and empower them to achieve economic self-sufficiency, independent living, and inclusion and integration into all aspects of society. The 2009 report focuses on current quality of life indicators and emerging trends that should be factored into future policies and programs.

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Transitioning Medicaid Enrollees from Institutions to the Community: Number of People Eligible and Number of Transitions Targeted Under MFP

Money Follows the Person (MFP) programs only target 0.9% of the people that could be eligible for transitioning out of institutions each year. However, there is a potential to increase rates to 15-40% annually depending on quality of program implementation, who is targeted, and how successful states are in overcoming barriers to transitioning high-needs people. The report looks at grantee states’ potential for accomplishing this rate increase.

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Implementing Self-Direction Programs with Flexible Individual Budgets: Lessons Learned from the Cash & Counseling Replication States

Twelve states received Cash & Counseling Replication grants in October 2004. Here, the Replication States’ experiences in developing and implementing their new programs are documented in three stages: planning; design/development; and implementation/enrollment. The appendix includes summaries of the states' grant initiatives.

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Results from New Hampshire's LIFE Account Feasibility Study and Implementation Plan

The three-year study examined relevant policy, program design, and cultural implications that may have an impact on enabling self-directed Medicaid beneficiaries to save money without losing benefits. Using extensive stakeholder engagement, six elements were studied: savings models; costs and benefits of self-direction; Federal tax policy; state policy context; participant needs; and an implementation plan.

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Evaluation of the Cash and Counseling Program in Illinois

Program history, outcomes and recommendation of areas for future study are summarized. The study was commissioned to compare participant demographics to another IL program; measure cost of services and administration and see what participants purchased; gauge satisfaction and unmet needs; and understand disenrollment rates and reasons.

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The Massachusetts Disability Employment Initiative (MA-DEI): A Plan to Maximize Employment for People with Disabilities in Massachusetts

Here is the strategic plan guiding a statewide public-private partnership meant to improve employment opportunities for people with disabilities. The document reviews the current state of employment, the planning process, mission, priorities, and implementation and evaluation plans.

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Independence, Dignity and Choice in Long-Term Care Act - New Jersey

As part of this Act, requirements were instituted involving the state's ADRCs and the global budgeting process used to support them. The Act provides specific directives that address financing and management plans, implementation and operation of the Medicaid LTC expenditure reforms, and requires an annual report, one of which is also included here, that documents reallocation of funds to home and community based care.

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