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VA Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment: Better Incentives, Workforce Planning, and Performance Reporting Could Improve Program

In 2004, a task force reviewed Veterans Affairs’ Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VRE) program and recommended focusing on employment through a Five-Track service delivery model and increasing program capacity. Here, the GAO looks at how employment has been impacted, the extent to which steps have been taken to improve capacity, and how program outcomes are reported. The authors recommended adjusting financial incentives and to improve strategic planning and transparency of reporting.

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Priced Out in 2008: The Housing Crisis for People with Disabilities

The study compares monthly income for people receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) to local median incomes and Fair Market Rent rates for modest units across the U.S. In 2008, there were 219 housing markets in 41 states where recipients of SSI, people with long-term disabilities and virtually no assets, would have to pay 100% of their income for a modest one-bedroom unit. Ten years ago there were 44 such markets in 13 states. Policy recommendations are given to reverse this trend.

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Working Healthy Data Chartbook: Evaluation of the Kansas Medicaid Buy-In 2002-2007

The Chartbook documents trends in enrollment, earnings, employment, medical expenditures, and consumer experiences and satisfaction since Kansas began its Buy-In program. Summarized are survey and administrative data that document increased earnings and taxes paid over time by participants, decreased medical expenditures for those continuously enrolled, and improved quality of life and financial status.

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A Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Report: The Status of the Medicaid Infrastructure Grants Program as of 12/31/07

Here is a snapshot of the program , seven years after implementation. The report introduces the grants, their assessment process, profiles funding recipients, and measures how well the program protects workers’ benefits and increases employment. Finally, recommendations for improving outcomes are provided.

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Analysis of the California In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Plus Waiver Demonstration Program

Via IHSS Plus, participants are able to receive certain expanded in-home services as part of Medi-Cal. Before, payments for these services were not matched by a federal contribution and were administered through a separate program. The analysis looks at implementation and service use in 2005, compares recipients’ outcomes and institutionalization rates to those in the original IHSS program, and complements the State’s evaluation and other research on paying family caregivers.

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Maintaining a Focus on Employment in Tough Economic Times

While progress is being made in finding meaningful jobs for individuals with developmental disabilities, an economic downturn makes it difficult to hold the focus on employment goals and maintain momentum within state agencies, services providers, and community employers. State officials offer talking points to guide and assist decision-making to maintain critical components of the service delivery system.

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VA Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment: Better Incentives, Workforce Planning, and Performance Reporting Could Improve Program

In 2004 the Veterans Affairs' Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) program was reviewed by a VR&E Task Force. It recommended numerous changes, in particular focusing on employment through a new Five-Track service delivery model and increasing program capacity. Since then, VR&E has worked to implement these recommendations. This report includes VR&E's progress in implementing the 2004 recommendations and includes additional recommendations moving forward from the Accountability Office.

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The Social Security Administration’s Youth Transition Demonstration Projects: Evaluation Design Report & Profiles of the Random Assignment Projects

As part of these demonstrations, six successful interventions that overcome barriers to independent living and employment for young adults are studied in-depth. The first document gives detailed information on the design of the study's evaluation. The second summarizes the core components, services, and strategies of each demonstration project.

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Comparison of VR Outcomes for Clients with Mental Illness across System Indicators

Three key issues affecting the understanding of low rates of successful employment outcomes for people with mental illness are explored. These are: lack of a common definition of successful employment; lack of clear, objective, standardized data; and differences among states and programs in measuring client characteristics. Peer critiques to the data and analysis are provided along with tables comparing employment outcomes by state.

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Evaluation Report: Personal Care Assistance - Minnesota

Minnesota’s Legislative Auditor investigates the state of the personal care workforce and the regulation of these services and presents recommendations for improvement. Information is provided on eligibility and access as well as the demographics of people that are assessed for or receiving personal care services. Program traits examined include regulation, expenditure trends, fiscal integrity, and quality. Family caregivers are looked at in the final section.

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