Marketing materials

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Passport to Independence - Delaware’s Nursing Home Transition Program

Passport to Independence is a federally-funded pilot project led by Delaware Health and Social Services’ Division of Services for Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities (DSAAPD). The overall goal of the program is to identify, inform and assist nursing home residents, especially those who are Medicaid-eligible, who want to move to a new home by offering individualized case management to accomplish the goal. Review the Program Brochure Nursing Home Transition Brochure and Transition Guide.

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Real Choice Grants and West Virginia Olmstead Plan

This document describes the releationship between WV Real Choice Grants and the Olmstead Plan. The document contains a table showing all grants awarded to the state. The table illustrates the activities of the Real Choice Systems Change for Community Living grants and shows how the programs are closely aligned with the West Virginia Olmstead Plan. This strong relationship is the result of collaboration between the Olmstead Coordinator and other state partners and stakeholders involved.

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Improving Long-Term Services and Supports: Making Medicaid Work for the 21st Century Issue Brief

Despite preference for community-based long-term care, spending & policy is biased toward institutional services. More flexible policies were passed in 1981, when coverage was extended to non-medical services for people who meet criteria. States still must obtain a waiver for community-based services, and the law requires that Medicaid programs provide institutional care. As a result, policymakers face challenges when creating balanced systems that offer access to quality service choices.

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Options for Premium Assistance Programs: Making Medicaid Work for the 21st Century Issue Brief

This November 2004 issue brief on Premium Assistance, a strategy in which a state uses public funds (e.g.,Medicaid dollars) to pay for a portion of the cost of private coverage (usually employer-sponsored insurance). Current use of premium assistance by states is minimal; only about one-third operate such programs, and recent reports indicate that enrollment in these programs is modest in most of these states. Nonetheless, state interest remains high due to the potential benefits.

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Louisianaanswers: The Louisiana ADRC Website, Marketing Materials and Evaluation

The following documents provide an overview of the Louisiana ADRC called the Louisiana Aging and Disability Information Station. The first document outlines how advisory board members can market the program including the Louisiana ADRC Web site, There is also a report that provides a step by step narrative of the approach to marketing and lastly the status report on the ADRC program covers the period from August 1, 2004 to September 30, 2004.

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ServiceLink: Program Resources and Website

ServiceLink is a NH statewide network of 13 regional offices & 50 satellites offices locally-administered, community-based resources for seniors, adults with disabilities and their families. Attached are the ADRCs program materials: overview presentation, evaluation framework, marketing plan, evaluation presentation, and customer satisfaction survey

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Real Choices Consumer Education Booklets

This material was part of an educational series addressing long-term care choices in Broome County, New York. The series of booklets includes the following titles: Paying for Long-Term Care; Facility and Community Options; Help at Home; What you Should Know About Staying at Home; When You Are the One Providing Care; Advance Health Care Planning; Adults with Disabilities; and Healthy Choices for Living Well.

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File Downloads / Links Website and Start Up Material is an online directory of services designed to help people in identify resources such as human services, information and referral, financial assistance, and other forms of aid and assistance within the state. This entry also includes a presentation on the IT Architecture, Request for Proposal forms, and a community introduction letter

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