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Streamlining Self-Assessment: Wisconsin

This worksheet helps ADRCs assess the hoops that consumers have to jump through to receive services. The goal of the worksheet is to aid ADRCs in planning for seamless entry into long term supports for consumers and serve as leaders in systems change. This tool can also be used for internal planning or with advisory or governing committees. Fill in the lines and boxes and see where to streamline and where there are barriers.

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Understanding Changes in Prescription Drug Coverage for People with Disabilities on Medicare

<i>A Guide for People with Disabilities, Benefits Counselors, Disability Organizations and Others On Transitioning to the Medicare Part D</i> Many organizations are developing materials to assist duel eligibles; however this guide was written specifically for people with disabilities. Written in a question and answer format, the guide includes worksheets to use when consulting physicians about pharmaceuticals and in comparing and selecting a plan.

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Quality Manuals, Forms, Surveys and Reports: North Carolina

North Carolina's Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services has posted a number of great resources to their website related to quality. A sampling of the forms, manuals and recent reports includes: The Quality Management Survey, a Consumer Satisfaction Survey, forms on Critical Incident, Quarterly Reports, and reporting guidelines for local management entities in their annual Quality Improvement Reports.

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Measuring Long-Term Care Work: A Guide to Selected Instruments to Examine Direct Care Worker Experiences and Outcomes

As turnover among direct care workers continues at very high rates, providers need to implement solutions that work and employee surveys can be an important tool in understanding staff satisfaction. This guide was developed to help organizations improve their use of measurement tools to understand direct care workforce problems and to inform their solutions. LTC providers and researchers can use the 12 instrument measures to assess monitor and improve the work environment.

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Family to Family Resource Handbooks

Family Voices of North Dakota has developed two handbooks. The intent of the booklets is to help families with resource questions and offer a way to record the information they gather. New Beginnings is a guide of referrals and contacts. Care Notebook is an organizing tool for keeping track of important information about a child’s health care. Although this material is specific to North Dakota, other Family to Family grantees may find the guides useful when replicating resources.

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Working Together: Personal Assistance Training and You

This online publication was developed for people with disabilities or chronic illnesses who direct their personal assistance services. The resource provides information on how to recruit and interview, how to check a candidate's background and references, and how to train new attendants. It outlines the rights of both caregivers and care recipients and covers topics like problem solving, conflict resolution, setting boundaries, and working with a PCA who may also be a friend or a relative.

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Training Quality Home Health Aides

This paper, an effective practice description originally published by the Paraprofessional Healthcare Institute in 2003, is now available free of charge in Spanish. The 32-page document discusses adult learner-centered training methods, the importance of teaching communication and problem-solving in addition to clinical skills, and orientation, peer mentoring, and other forms of on-the-job support. It is the first in a series of training materials PHI is translating into Spanish.

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Telling the Performance Story of the Real Choice Systems Change Grants

This presentation reviews important changes CMS is making in the reporting system for FY04 RCSC grants. The slides provide an overview of the “why and how of the proposed changes” offers next steps and introduces the Logic Model Framework. The Logic Model is a tool for strategic planning and program evaluation. This presentation notifies grantees of upcoming changes to the web-based reporting system and introduces the systems terminology, context and concepts.

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Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities: Housing Info Update # 34

HUD Secretary Alphonso Jackson released two papers titled Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities. <i>Barriers at Every Step</i> coupled with its companion report, <i>Guidance for Practitioners</i>, advance the consumer’s ability to verify – and furthers chances of eradicating – inequity in housing opportunities for persons with disabilities. This newly released study employs a number of newly developed, field-tested tools for measuring housing discrimination.

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Community For All Tool Kit: Resources For Supporting Community Living

This tool kit was developed at the request of volunteers, advocates, self-advocates, and professionals concerned with preserving the remarkable progress made towards the inclusion of people with cognitive, intellectual and developmental disabilities into the mainstream of community life in America. To fight disinformation and segregation, this tool kit provides the philosophy, policy and research rationale that supports community supports and services for all people with disabilities.

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