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Care Coordination Notebook: Financing and Managing Your Child\'s Health Care

This Care Coordination Notebook helps families manage the care and growth of their child as they are involved with the many professionals who offer assistance and expertise. This notebook is designed to offer families basic information and a framework to help you gather information and coordinate care for children with special health care needs. The guide includes basic informational overviews, sample letters, and Take Action Forms.

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Data Integration and Storage: Managing and Using Home and Community-Based Services Data for Quality Improvement

This paper outlines some of the factors program managers may need to consider in identifying strategies for integrating information to support their quality improvement activities. The focus of this paper primarily is on synthesizing information from different data sources and integrating two or more files. For the more technically minded, the Appendix provides examples of states system integration efforts.

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Reporting: Managing and Using Home and Community-Based Services Data for Quality Improvement

This paper walks through different types of HCBS waiver reports and includes steps for thinking through the purpose, content and format, while tailoring report presentation to meet the needs of specific audiences. Wherever possible, state examples are provided and supplemented by sample reports that combine promising features. Seven types of reports are highlighted that guide program management, inform policy development, measure program outcomes and identify areas for quality improvement.

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Data Presentation: Managing and Using Home and Community-Based Services Data for Quality Improvement

Presenting numbers and patterns is a critical component of data analysis. Once analyses have been completed, the next step involves sharing key findings with staff and stakeholders and using findings as a basis for decision-making. There are a number of ways to present data and the challenge is in constructing an effective visual. This paper provides an overview of the most frequently used formats and includes tips on how to select among the different types.

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Data Quality and Analysis: Managing and Using Home and Community-Based Services Data for Quality Improvement

What do program managers need informed about with data quality management? Many rely on technical staff to actually conduct the technical aspects of data import, cleaning and analysis. Nevertheless, it is important for a program manager to understand the process and to provide the time and resources necessary to produce reliable and accurate data. This paper focuses on ways to assure the accuracy, discusses tools for analyzing trends and patterns and provides tips on interpreting results.

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Performance Measurement: Managing and Using Home and Community-Based Services Data for Quality Improvement

What applications can states use to measure home and community based services? The purpose of this report is to outline the key components of performance measurement and to discuss their relevance and potential use in HCBS.The paper also offers practical approaches for states to gradually build a HCBS performance measurement set to serve as the foundation for their quality management activities and CMS required reporting.

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Individual Providers: A Guide To Employing Individual Providers Under Participant Direction

This monograph discusses program design considerations to assist as states move toward greater individuality and flexibility in the provision of services and supports. The paper outlines topics to consider when expanding opportunities for participants to choose and direct individual who provide assistance, including the risks/benefits arrangements, provider qualifications, training, person-centered planning, the case manager role, and safeguards to prevent abuse, neglect and exploitation.

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Sampling : A Practical Guide for Quality Management in Home & Community-Based Waiver Programs

Gathering information from waiver participants can be costly and time intensive, and is not always necessary. Depending upon the size and scope of the state’s waiver program, it is often sufficient and more cost effective to draw representative samples. This guide is designed to provide states with practical information about sampling techniques, what to consider when deciding whether to sample and the strategies to employ in quality management work.

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Operating An Other Qualified Agency (OQA) : A Technical Assistance Manual

This Technical Assistance Manual was designed for New Hampshire to provide guidance on becoming a Certified Other Qualified Agency and a Medicaid HCBS-ECI Waiver Provider. The seven section report provides an overview of the long-term care service delivery system and the use of consumer-directed personal care services. There are additional suggestions for monitoring performance and marketing a Qualified Agency.

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Personal Care Service Workers Employee Handbook and Program Skills Training Notebook

The Granite State Independent Living (GSIL) program has developed two great resources offered to providers of personal care and homemaking services. This employee handbook is intended to serve as a guideline, describing the policies and procedures of GSIL’s two Attendant Care Programs, the Personal Care Attendant (PCA) Program and the Personal Care Services (PCS) Program for consumers and employees. The Skills Training notebook offers agency information and various policies.

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