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The MetLife Market Survey of Adult Day Services & Home Care Costs

Since 2002, MetLife Mature Market Institute has gathered data on the costs of long-term care in institutional and community-based settings. This 2008 report looks at home care and adult day services. Costs are broken down by state, metropolitan statistical area (MSA), and “rest of state,” or areas not in a MSA. Home care costs are measured in hourly private pay rates, and adult day costs are measured in daily private pay rates.

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Going from Good to Great: Livable Communities Surveys in Ohio

Is your area a livable community? You can use this survey and accompanying reports as a model for finding out. AARP defines a livable community as one that allows people to maintain their independence and quality of life as they age and retire. Aspects that make a community livable include mobility, community supports, and affordable housing. Residents age 45 years and older in two OH counties were surveyed to measure whether these things are truly available in their communities.

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The United Kingdom Pathways to Work Program: A Path to Employment?

In the U.S., workers that experience disability onset are unlikely to receive return-to-work supports unless their disability is work-related or they have private disability coverage. The Pathways to Work program in the UK offers a range of supports that focus on preventing loss of work. After 18 months of evaluation, the data shows that it substantially improves outcomes. This brief offers lessons for U.S. policymakers that may pursue this strategy in the future.

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How Do Employment Outcomes of Medicaid Buy-In Participants Vary Based on Prior Medicaid Coverage? An Example from Massachusetts

This brief, the eighth in a series on working with disability, looks at the employment outcomes of participants in CommonHealth Working (CHW), Massachusetts’s Medicaid Buy-In program. Differences in post-enrollment employment rates, monthly hours worked and earnings, and private health insurance coverage are compared between new CHW enrollees previously covered by MassHealth, Massachusetts’s Medicaid program, and those without prior MassHealth coverage.

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Disability and Health in the United States, 2001-2005

Charts and data illustrate health-related differences between disabled and non-disabled noninstitutionalized adults in this report. Data are from the National Health Interview Survey. One section illustrates differences in access to care and health insurance coverage. Numbers on the prevalence of disabilities, demographics, and health behaviors and risks are also given.

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Headed for a Crunch: An Update on Medicaid Spending, Coverage and Policy Heading into an Economic Downturn: Results from a 50-State Medicaid Budget Survey for State Fiscal Years 2008 and 2009

This is the eighth consecutive year that state Medicaid officials were surveyed to track program trends. In addition to data on expenditures and enrollment, the report outlines policy enhancements and restrictions in all states and the District of Columbia. The resource ends with a discussion of current key Medicaid issues and perspectives of State Medicaid Directors.

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2008 Actuarial Report on the Financial Outlook for Medicaid

Determining how to optimally balance our demand for the best health care with limited funding represents one of the most challenging policy dilemmas facing the U.S. To help understand how to best accomplish this task, the document authors forecast Medicaid expenditures and enrollment for the next ten years. The data are organized by enrollment groups and service settings/categories.

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Working Well Website & Issue Briefs – Texas

Working Well, the Texas Demonstration to Maintain Independence and Employment, tests whether health and employment-related services can prevent workers with serious health issues from becoming disabled and dependent on federal benefits. These Issue Briefs introduce the program and present participant data. Brief 3 examines healthcare support workers participating in the project who are at risk for becoming disabled themselves. The website has participant stories and further project information.

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Keeping Track: National Disability Status and Program Performance Indicators

Federal data is used to describe the status of Americans with disabilities and their quality of life. The report measures indicators such as employment, education, health status and health care, financial security, leisure and recreation, personal relationships, and crime and safety. The authors also lay out a road map for the federal government to expand the national disability indicator set, as well as for installing the set into a key national indicator system.

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Young Adults with Serious Mental Illness: Some States and Federal Agencies Are Taking Steps to Address Their Transition Challenges

Approximately 2.4 million young adults had a serious mental illness in 2006. To better understand challenges that will arise as these youth transition into adulthood, GAO was asked to provide information on the demographic characteristics of these young adults, how selected states assist them, and how the federal government supports states in serving them. The data come from national surveys, the Social Security Administration, published research, and site visits.

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