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Adult Day Services/Adult Day Health: Financial Viability and Scope of Services Provided Under Medicaid Waivers

Looking to better understand how states pay for adult day services through the Medicaid program? Comparing adult day services to other LTC provider types, adult day tends to be the most cost effective providers within the waiver or State Plan. This report looks at the scope of services provided by adult day and relates the clinical complexity of the care provided with the Medicaid reimbursement. Analyze the growth of programs in relation to the reimbursement and scope of services provided.

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Money Follows the Person: Change in Participant Experience During the First Year of Community Living

Mathematica released the sixth report in a series that use the latest data available on MFP grants and state efforts to transition Medicaid enrollees to community living and rebalance LTC systems. The report presents survey results showing change in quality of life, quality of care and community integration reported by 803 MFP participants after one year of community living. The authors explore policy implications for MFP and other transition programs.

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National Spending for Long-Term Services and Supports

Long-term services and supports (LTSS) for the elderly and younger populations with disabilities are a significant component of national health care spending. In 2009, spending for these services was $203.2 billion (almost 10 percent of all U.S. personal health care spending), most of it paid by the federal-state Medicaid program. This publication presents data on LTSS spending by major public and private sources.

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Barriers to Employment and SSDI for People Eligible for the Kansas Buy-In

How is the state of Kansas working to ensure that consumers can both work and receive the SSDI benefits that they are entitled to? Attached are several examples of studies done in the state of Kansas where individuals with disabilities were surveyed on important information such as why they delayed applying for disabilities benefits and barriers to finding employment. These findings may be beneficial for consumers as well as employers.

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Understanding Direct Care Workers: A Snapshot of two of America's Most Important Jobs - Certified Nursing Assistants and Home Health Aides

This chart book highlights findings from two new federally sponsored national surveys. Both surveys represent a major advance in the data available about two of America’s most important jobs, certified nursing assistants working in nursing homes and home health aides in home health and hospice care settings. The chart book is intended to help multiple audiences understand these jobs, issues, and challenges; and establish useful benchmarks as goals toward which improvement efforts might aspire.

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Medicaid Managed Long-Term Services and Supports Expenditures

Since 1988, Thomson Reuters has produced annual reports on state Medicaid spending for long-term services and supports (LTSS). One limitation to the reports has been that LTSS spending provided through Medicaid managed care programs often is not identified. This report presents estimated Federal Fiscal Year 2008 and 2009 managed care spending not included in previous LTSS expenditures reports. These estimates are based on data provided by states with managed LTSS programs.

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Helping Consumers Manage Long-Term Services and Supports in the Community: State Medicaid Program Activities

The Medicaid program is a source for many innovative practices in making long-term services and supports (LTSS) available to consumers. Case management services have been integral to Medicaid community-based LTSS programs since their inception, but as the programs have grown and evolved the functions performed by case managers have changed. This brief describes current case management efforts in states and activities and policies that can enhance states’ efforts to help consumers.

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A Challenge for States: Assuring Timely Access to Optimal Long-Term Services and Supports in the Community

The Medicaid program is a major payer for long-term services and supports (LTSS) in the United States, accounting for 40 percent of total spending for long-term services and supports. This brief highlights two important aspects of operations in states that affect access to LTSS in the community: efforts to provide accurate and timely information to consumers, and procedures to make Medicaid eligibility determinations quickly and efficiently.

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Medicaid Home and Community-Based Service Programs: Data Update – February 2011

Explore this brief for information on the main trends to emerge from the latest Medicaid expenditures and participant data for the three main Medicaid HCBS programs: (1) optional 1915(c) HCBS waivers, (2) the mandatory home health benefit, and (3) the optional state plan personal care services benefit. It also presents 2009 findings on the policies used in these three programs, including eligibility criteria, provider, service and waiting list data.

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ACRE Employment Training Evaluation Findings - New Hampshire

How is New Hampshire measuring consumer satisfaction with MIG employment and benefits training provided by ACRE? Attached find four examples of participant evaluation after having attended trainings on innovative employment strategies and the impacts of work on benefits. May be replicable by other states seeking to determine the effectiveness of MIG trainings.

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