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The Older Americans Act & the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program

The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program is a consumer advocacy program established by the Older Americans Act that aims to improve the quality of care for residents in LTC settings by investigating and resolving complaints made by, or on behalf of, such residents. This report provides an overview of the program, including its legislative history, administrative function, and FY2008 funding amounts by source.

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Independence, Dignity and Choice in Long-Term Care Act 2010 Annual Report – New Jersey

NJ’s charge to advance a Medicaid LTC system where there would be more options for community care, greater consumer choice and allowance for maximum flexibility between nursing homes and HCBS is “definitely showing positive trend lines” according to this report. The state’s Global Budget Projection model offers a budgetary process for tracking and projecting its LTC expenditures. Explore detailed information about the model’s methodology and findings.

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Dual Eligibles: Medicaid Enrollment and Spending for Medicare Beneficiaries in 2007

This report provides the latest national and state data on enrollment and spending for individuals enrolled in both Medicaid and Medicare, also known as dual eligibles. There were about 8.9 million dual eligibles in 2007. Dual eligibles are among the sickest and poorest individuals covered by either program. Although they comprised 15% of Medicaid enrollment, dual eligibles accounted for 39% ($121 billion) of Medicaid spending for medical services & for more than a quarter of Medicare spending.

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Results from the 2009 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Mental Health Findings

According to results from this comprehensive national survey, 11 million adults (4.8 percent) in the U.S. have suffered serious mental illness in 2009, and in many cases these individuals also have a substance use disorder. The survey provides many insights into the nature and scope of mental illness. Because of its statistical power, it is a primary source of information on a wide range of behavioral health matters including mental health and substance abuse issues.

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Computer-based Testing: Practices and Considerations

Computer-based testing (CBT) has emerged as one of the recent innovative approaches to assessments most pursued by states. CBT is lauded as the answer to having cheaper and speedier test delivery for state and district-wide assessments, as well as an avenue toward greater accessibility for students with disabilities. This report explores the context of CBT, current state computer-based tests, and considerations for students with disabilities.

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Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRC): Federal and State Efforts to Guide Consumers Through the Long-Term Services and Supports Maze

The ADRC program’s purpose is to help people of all ages, disabilities, and income levels more easily access LTSS through single points of entry, make more efficient use of care options, and maximize the services available. This publication provides background on the evolution of ADRCs, their functions and implementation, grants to states, and state and federal evaluation efforts. It also points to selected issues in continuing ADRC implementation.

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New Realities of an Older America

By 2032, there will be more people 65 or older than children under 15, according to this report. The shift toward an older population has enormous economic, social and political implications. The authors provide a framework for thinking about each trend, and comparative perspectives on changes over time and across age groups, and the unexpected ways in which these changes may unfold.

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Testing a SSDI Benefit Offset: An Evaluation of the Wisconsin SSDI Employment Pilot

Wisconsin was one of four state based projects authorized by the SSA to begin testing a proposed benefit offset feature for the SSDI program. The pilot program was able to organize and implement its activities much as had been planned, however there were serious implementation problems at the Social Security Administration, according to this report which presents findings from both a process evaluation and the analysis of participant employment related outcomes.

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Caregiving Strain and Estimated Risk for Stroke and Coronary Heart Disease Among Spouse Caregivers – Journal Article

High caregiving stress has been associated with poor physical and psychological health, and with increased mortality among spouse caregivers. This study examined the differential effects of stress on stroke and coronary heart disease (CHD) risk by race and sex. Caregiving strain was significantly associated with higher estimated risk for men, particularly African American men, providing caregiving to their wives.

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File Downloads / Links Online Data on Dual Eligibles – Website

Are you looking for state data on people who are simultaneously enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid? Find a number of useful interactive tables, charts, and graphs including Medicaid spending by service, spending per dual eligible, dual eligible enrollment, duals as a percentage of Medicaid enrollees, and more.

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