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State Human Service Transportation Coordinating Councils: An Overview and State Profiles

Find a synopsis of how state coordinating councils operate, including a 50-state reference table, and profiles of the 25 existing state coordinating councils. Focused on improving coordination at the state and local levels, the Councils are a key to successfully keeping people in the community. Some of these states have created their Councils by state statute, some by state executive order or governor initiative.

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Diversifying Your Workforce

Looking for a reference guide for recruiting, hiring, & retaining employees with disabilities? This is a quick reference guide geared towards employers outlining the advantages of hiring people with disabilities, along with four simple steps towards increasing their inclusiveness in the workforce. With numerous resources and Web links, this is a helpful tool for organizations looking to benefit from the talents of qualified individuals with disabilities.

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Direct Care Worker Retention – Strategies for Success

More than two dozen proven examples of direct-care worker retention strategies are outlined in this report. The report includes key research findings in the literature that show which factors lead to an increase in retention, as well as key successful strategies and programs, including many tools, resources and contacts.

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Disability History Week–Presentation and Resources - California

How are states empowering youth with disabilities? Through the Youth Organizing Disabled and Proud Seminar, California is working to connect youth with disabilities to each other, organizations, resources and opportunities. Attached are some of the training materials and resources from the Seminar. See also "Disability History Week-Activities" for sample training activities and "Disability History Week-Surveys" for surveys and permissions samples from this seminar.

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File Downloads / Links Technical Assistance Website

Unsure about how to best design and implement HCBS programs? This site provides technical assistance to states that may need assistance in determining which Home & Community Service authority best meet their needs, as well as assisting them in developing, evaluating and maintaing HCBS waiver programs. is intended to assist state HCBS program administrators, their staff and contractors, and other state agencies involved with developing HCBS programs.

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Job Accommodation Network Website

The Job Accommodation Network represents the most comprehensive resource for job accommodations available. JAN's mission is to facilitate the employment and retention of workers with disabilities. Their website is designed to make this happen. The site categorizes employers, individuals, and others separately and includes an Accommodation Search and Disabilities Glossary. Hot topics, Publications & Resources, What’s New? and a Website Tour also facilitate the users access to this information.

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Veterans-Directed Home and Community Based Service Program Standards

The key details of the partnership between the Veterans Health Administration and the Administration on Aging, created to provide consumer-directed care to veterans, are given. The document summarizes the partnership structure, standards, and target population. It also discusses the referral, follow-up, and rate setting procedures for the defined set of services and goods to be offered.

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Disability and Technical Assistance Center National Network of ADA Centers

The Network consists of 10 regional centers funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR), a division of the U.S. Department of Education. The mission is to provide information and Technical Assistance on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to individuals, organizations and employers. They provide training materials, referrals, and a searchable database of legal documents, fact sheets and checklists.

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