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Think College – Website on Postsecondary Education for Youths with Intellectual Disabilities

Here is a collection of links and information for those interested in learning about efforts and resources aimed at improving opportunities for youths with intellectual disabilities to go to college. The site is divided into sections for students, family members, and professionals. Features include a searchable database of postsecondary supports, a discussion board and listserv, and a resource list. Download or subscribe to their Newsletter.

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Tools for Consumer Participation in Quality Assurance - Florida

Florida created tools to gather information essential to measuring quality from consumers in programs serving people with developmental disabilities and their families. The “Road Map” summarizes the quality assurance process and informs people of their rights. “My Personal Compass” assists in evaluating services received. The last link connects to other resources from the Florida Statewide Quality Assurance Program.

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The Arc of Spokane Advocacy & Family Support - Website & Newsletters

Through advocacy and support services, the Arc of Spokane promotes independence, choice, and improved quality of life for people with developmental disabilities and their families in Eastern Washington. This edition of their newsletter discusses state and county advocacy and politics, words from staff, tax advice, upcoming events, and program information. Check their website regularly for additional issues and news.

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File Downloads / Links – Home Care Worker Recruitment Website

The goal of Rewarding Work is to give people who need support with daily activities choice and control in finding personal assistants. So far, the site has partnered with five states in the Northeast. The searchable database can be used by both people looking to hire help and job seekers. The attached news release describes a special connection these services made possible - the example, a 14-year-old with severe disabilities, and a nursing student looking for a work as PCA.

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Training Caregivers for Older Adults in the Home: A Search for Curricula

What curricula are used to train paid and unpaid individuals caring for older adults in the home? The authors conducted a 4-month search to identify and categorize existing curricula nationwide. It was used as a discussion primer for a March 2007 conference that sought to discuss specialized vs. comprehensive training models, standards, and possible credentialing for caregivers and training programs. Contact information for the curricula discussed is provided.

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Indiana Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services Waiver Programs: A Guide for Consumers

One way Indiana communicates with HCBS waivers consumers is via this document. Updated periodically, it describes available waivers and what services they cover, eligibility requirements, quality assurance mechanisms and the rights of the consumer. It also provides instructions for applying, contact information for other HCBS resources, and tips on choosing good providers. The guide comes with a feedback and evaluation survey.

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Solutions and Tools for Transforming the Long-Term Care Workforce

This resource provides tools, contact information, and lessons learned from eight research projects that focused on providing a more stable and qualified workforce. These projects, including state demonstrations and applied research and evaluation programs, are part of the four-year, $15.5 million Better Jobs Better Care initiative. The report compiles the major findings, and the resource catalog provides surveys, policy analyses, training and assessment materials, and many more practical tools.

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Planning For Your Discharge: A Checklist for Patients and Caregivers Preparing to Leave a Hospital, Nursing Home, or Other Health Care Setting

Transitioning out of a care facility can be a challenging time for patients and their caregivers. This checklist will help these people and their support workers plan ahead of the discharge to ensure everyone involved understands the patient’s needs and can avoid any interruption in care. The resource also includes instructions and contact information for finding appropriate support from local, state, and federal agencies.

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Youth Leadership and Development Training – Wisconsin

The WI Statewide Transition Initiative receives guidance from a Youth Advisory Board (YAB). The materials contained here were developed to teach workers to help support meaningful work by the Board via youth leadership training and development. The YAB description provides the details and goals of the program. The facilitators guide and presentation structured the training, and the youth activities and programming resource support implementation.

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