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Tanya's Story: One Woman's Experience With Florida's Consumer Directed Care Program

This video offers a first-hand account of how one consumer negotiates the Cash & Counseling program. Developed as a part of the Consultant Training Project, this piece was produced by Burness Communications with funding from CMS and MEDSTAT. Follow the link to save and view the video.

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Cash & Counseling – Supporting Independent Living Webinar

ILRU and NCIL, in collaboration with Boston College, presented a 90-minute teleconference and webcast for Centers for Independent Living interested in the national Cash & Counseling program. Participants learned how Center’s consumers can access and spend Medicaid dollars on home and community based personal assistance services. Representatives from the Independent Living movement shared how they are participating in the Cash & Counseling programs in two states.

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Workforce3 Website - New Disability And Employment Resource

Workforce3 One, an online resource sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration, has a new Disability and Employment Resource Page to provide employment-related resources for the workforce system. This page outlines promising practices and expands the capacity of the One-Stop Career Center system to serve customers disabilities. The resource page includes videos and podcasts, toolkits and training materials, promising practices, and other materials.

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Self-Determination: The Fierce Urgency of Now An Invitational State of the Science Summit

The SAMHSA and NIDRR-funded UIC National Research and Training Center on Psychiatric Disability has recently posted a series of podcasts and slides from their 2009 Summit on Self-Determination: The Fierce Urgency of Now. A range of leading national experts present on such topics as: self-directed care, eliminating disparities, microenterprises, asset building, WRAP, peer specialists, and many more.

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National Evaluation of the Demonstration to Improve the Recruitment and Retention of the Direct Service Community Workforce

In 2005 CMS funded a national evaluation by a consortium led by the RAND Corporation to study the implementation and outcomes of ten funded initiatives. These initiatives were meant to improve the recruitment and retention of the Direct Service Community Workforce. Review the report and listen to a recorded webinar where the author's present their findings.

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Do non-institutional long-term care services reduce Medicaid spending?

In the webinar, Dr H. Stephen Kaye and colleagues Dr. Mitch LaPlante and Dr. Charlene Harrington discuss their published paper. Learn how increased Medicaid spending on home and community-based services affects overall long-term care costs. The paper analyzes the short-term versus long-term cost savings from HCBS expansion.

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