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Bridging Resources to Peer Mentor Support

The Schwab Rehabilitation Hospital has shared a synopsis and tools they have developed as part of their peer mentoring program for people with recently acquired spinal cord injuries. Mentors also have spinal cord injuries and have similar backgrounds. This peer mentor model could be adapted to a variety of situations. Other more detailed tools (such as weekly and monthly reports) are also available by contacting the staff.

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Try This: Best Practices in Care for Older Adults

Try This is a series of assessment tools where each issue focuses on a topic specific to the older adult population. Each issue is a 2-page document with a description of why the topic is important when caring for older patients on the first page, and an assessment tool that can be administered in 20 minutes or less on the second page. A publication of the Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing, the series of over 20 assessments is accessible online and also as hard copy.

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Making Tracks to Transitions Program Resources

Schwab Rehabilitation Hospital has designed supports for youth with disabilities and their families as they transition from youth to adulthood. The three stage program creates a \"medical home\" for the youth age 14-21, creating relevant goals, and working with schools and community agencies to meet objectives. Resources included: initial assessment, checklists for the three areas of development (medical, psychosocial, and independent living), a parent checklist, and a bibliography.

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Long-Term Care Gaps Analysis Survey: Minnesota

Minnesota has shared two of their protocol surveys created as a follow-up to a more extensive, detailed gap analysis completed statewide in 2001. This update has been completed in 2003 and 2005, and will continue to be part of HCBS capacity assessment and HCBS capacity building. The analysis looked at the availability and demand of specific services, including long-term care supports, senior housing and long-term care beds. The 2001 Bulletin is also included for historical information.

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Medicaid Options for Model LIFE Account Programs

As part of the 2004 Real Choice grants, New Hampshire and Wisconsin proposed to complete a feasibility study and then develop LIFE Account programs. With no federal legislation creating a savings program, grantees are restricted to modified program that works under existing law. This paper considers six options: Section 1115 Demonstrations, Waivers under Section 1915(c) & 1915(b), Section 1915(i) & 1915(j) State Plan programs, and Section 1937 Benchmark programs and suggests some next steps.

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Money Follows the Person Tool Box

This tool box is intended to synthesize information that is available from multiple sources about nursing home transition and Money Follows the Person (MFP) initiatives to help states prepare for the MFP Demonstration program created by the Deficit Reduction Act. Each chapter summarizes the state of the field in a particular MFP design component, such as identifying consumers, planning and implementing transitions from an institution, financing MFP, and evaluating programs and progress.

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PASS Self-Assessment Tool for Consumer

This tool is designed to equip consumers with the tools necessary to develop a job description, to screen and interview potential employers (personal assistants), and to train new personal assistants as well as address consumers physical needs, leisure and community needs. There are over 30 checklist forms to help determine need. This publication was produced by the Tennessee Personal Assistance Supports and Services (PASS) program.

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Caregivers Count Too! - A Toolkit to Help Practitioners Assess the Needs of Family Caregivers

The National Center on Caregiving at Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA) has developed a new online resource. The toolkit is a practical resource targeted to practitioners and program administrators interested in integrating caregiver assessment into their work with caregiving families, older people and adults with disabilities. A compilation of materials and techniques are provided which incorporate fundamental principles and practice guidelines. Review the definitions and assessment tools.

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Emergency Backup & Safety and Prevention Strategies Brochure

This brochure was created using feedback from consumer focus groups, peer trainers, and other stakeholders. The brochure provides safety & prevention strategies, planning for backup care, preparing for attendant support during a community-wide disaster, how to minimize risk of theft, and health care emergency instructions and form. The strategies address emergency backup and incident management for consumers directing their own care or who have an authorized representative directing their care.

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