Archived conference materials / Presentations

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Cultural Competence Teleconference Transcript

Family to Family Health Information Centers look at Cultural Considerations and Differences when working with American Indians. The transcript of the Cultural Competence teleconference held on May 26, 2005 with Karen Anzola, Leau Phillips and Trish Thomas of Family Voices, Rosemary Silversmith with the Navajo Nation Growing and Beauty Program, and Carol Locust an independent consultant.

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AcademyHealth\'s Annual Research Meeting Presentation Slides 2005

The 2005 Annual Research Meeting is AcademyHealth's premier forum for health services research. More than 2,300 leading health services researchers and policymakers attended the meeting to hear the latest findings on critical health care delivery topics such as, Medicare, coverage & access, disparities, health information technology, long-term care, health care quality, and patient safety. Review the agenda and over 130 presentations covering 17 major areas of health services research & policy.

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Advanced Strategies Teleconference - May 2005

This call hosted Emily Fuerste, Executive Director of the No Place Like Home Communities in Minnesota. The NPLHC creates supportive affordable housing for adults with disabilities, helping build financial and emotional equity in independent lives as they travel the road to their full potential. Their goal is to develop a rent-to-own model which will allow all people with disabilities to gain financial equity.

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Second Southeastern Connecticut Regional Forum on Community Inclusion; A Sharing of Ideas on Community Inclusion for People with Disabilities

At the heart of the April 28 Forum in Griswold, CT was a presentation by Greg Ryan of CT Assets Network, Inc. Asset Based Community Development is based on the work of Kretzman & McKnight, authors of Building Communities From the Inside Out: A Path For Finding and Mobilizing a Community’s Assets. It works on the principles that each person in the community, including people with disabilities, has gifts to offer, and can contribute their gifts & resources for mutually beneficial problem solving.

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Third Southwestern Connecticut Regional Forum on Community Inclusion: A Sharing of Ideas on Community Inclusion for People with Disabilities

The April 5, 2005 Forum in Westport, CT was attended by 54 individuals from 9 towns. They included representatives from senior centers, public schools, police departments, social services, parks and recreation, YMCA, advocacy organizations, persons with disabilities and family members. Following an introduction by Diane Goss Farrell and an overview by the Forum facilitators, the attendees broke up into three smaller discussion groups to share ideas and experiences relating to inclusion.

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Delaware Passport to Independence: Presentation, Assessment and Survey Forms

The Delaware Passport to Independence goals are to: identify residents of nursing homes who may want to move to a new home; interview and assess residents for possible community living; explore if it’s feasible for some residents to transition; create an Individualized Service Plan for those choosing to be considered. They have created a number of tools during the project development including an education outreach presentation, assessment form and survey tool.

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Housing Advanced Strategies Teleconference: March 17, 2005

The March 2005 Advanced Strategies Subgroup call hosted Dr. Fran Randolf, Director, Division of Service and Systems Improvement, Center for Mental Health Services for SAMHSA. Dr. Randolph presented information on the Mental Health Transformation State Incentive Grant Request for Proposals and the mental health transformation project. These summary notes provide an overview of the presentation and discussion.

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Communities for Everyone: Universal Design for Community and Systems Change

Communities for Everyone is a two-day institute held June 23rd and 24th that will explore innovative approaches to building inclusive communities and creating sustainable systems change to support all residents to be full participants in community life. Workshops and keynote presentations will provide information that reflects current practices as well as future designs to create welcoming, accessible, and inclusive communities that support all residents.

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