Transition Planning

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State Strategies to Reduce the Risk of Long-Term Nursing Home Care after Hospitalization

This paper describes strategies used in four highly ranked or significantly improved states, including Minnesota, to reduce the risk of long-term nursing home care after a hospitalization. Included in the paper is a toolkit of resources that can help others learn more and potentially replicate these practices, as well as contact information for experts.

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Financing Transition Services When Everyone is the "Payer of Last Resort"

The Employment Policy and Measurement Rehabilitation Research and Training Center, with funding from the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, published a report on financing transition services. Multiple funding streams, or braiding of resources, are used to fund the services and supports available for transition-age youth seeking employment or higher education. This report examines who the payers of last resort are based on different regulatory and legal requirements.

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ADA Update: A Primer for State and Local Governments

This technical assistance document aims to help State and local government offices understand how Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) applies to their programs, activities, and services. The illustrated guide outlines general nondiscrimination requirements, like provisions regarding communication with people with disabilities or service animals. The guide also tells how the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design apply to the built environment.

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The Right Supports at the Right Time: How Money Follows the Person Programs Are Supporting Diverse Populations in the Community

The Money Follows the Person (MFP) demonstration aims to give Medicaid beneficiaries living in long-term care facilities more choice about where they live and receive services and to strengthen state systems of LTSS to serve more people in community settings. This report examines how six MFP grantees (MO, LA, NE, NJ, OH, IL) are serving populations with diverse needs in the community and the factors that have contributed to their strong performance on key outcome measures.

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When Chronic Care Youth Age Out: Transition Planning

With medical advancements, a new generation of youth with pediatric chronic health conditions and disabilities are now surviving to adulthood, and that means thousands are aging out of the pediatric system annually. This article examines the results of the Shared Care Initiative in British Columbia in developing transition planning processes.

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