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Simplifying Access: Collaboration between State Aging and Medicaid Officials

Slides for conference call on collaboration between aging services and Medicaid. Presented by Glenn Stanton of CMS and John Wren of AoA, February 24, 2004. Topics: Promoting Balance in Long Term Care, ADRC Goals, ADRC – A Priority for CMS, State Agency Partnership, AoA’s Vision for Long Term Care.

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Managing Medicaid Take-Up: Strategies, Efforts, and Evaluation: The Complexity of Simplifying the Medicaid Application Process

This report summarizes a study supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation examining how 18 states simplified the Medicaid eligibility process. Study Highlights: The type & extent of Medicaid application simplification measures, times which simplification occured, contact types varied to assist Medicaid eligible individuals with the application, Medicaid budget cuts are likely to negatively impact the application process.

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South Carolina Aging and Disability Resource Center Program Materials

The following posting contains many documents from the South Carolina Lower Savannah Council on Governments. Attachments include a description of planned grant activities and functional relationship graphics. There are three fact sheets which respond to questions presented at the 2004 National Association for Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) Conference: streamlining access, marketing and outreach, and information and assistance.

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Managing Medicaid Take-up: CHIP and Medicaid Outreach-Strategies, Efforts, and Evaluation

This report summarizes a study supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation examining how states are addressing declining enrollments in Medicaid by renewing outreach. A decline in Medicaid enrollments in recent years and the creation of the Children’s Health Insurance Program prompted many states to undertake renewed outreach efforts to those potentially eligible for medical assistance. The extent and nature of these outreach efforts, however, have varied widely across states.

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