Resource Center

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Aging and Disability Resource Center Pilot Sites List

The new list of all ADRC pilot sites has been developed as a consumer contact information sheet. The matrix includes the pilot name and geographic area served in addition to the appropriate phone contact and website (if applicable) for use by consumers seeking the assistance of ADRC programs and others interested in the initiative.

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ADRC Functional Staffing Model and Job Descriptions

The goal of the New Hampshire Resource Center project is to integrate the current information and assistance (ServiceLink) program with the state assessment and counseling program. This ADRC pilot program has shared their functional staffing model and job descriptions. In addition to being a visual illustration of staff resources, the documents also provide basic purpose, accountabilities and requirements for the Center Manager, Long Term Support Counselor, and Referral Specialist.

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Family to Family Resource Handbooks

Family Voices of North Dakota has developed two handbooks. The intent of the booklets is to help families with resource questions and offer a way to record the information they gather. New Beginnings is a guide of referrals and contacts. Care Notebook is an organizing tool for keeping track of important information about a child’s health care. Although this material is specific to North Dakota, other Family to Family grantees may find the guides useful when replicating resources.

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TAE Issue Brief: Relevance of Health Literacy

Health literacy can be defined as “the degree to which people can obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services they need to make appropriate health decisions. Awareness that people with low health literacy skills face difficulties accessing and navigating the health care system has prompted greater emphasis on making communications clear and easy-to-read. This issue brief offers recommendations and resources particularly for resource centers.

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ADRC Stakeholder Satisfaction Report: A Comprehensive Assessment of Consumer and Board Member Satisfaction

This report summarizes the results of the Massachusetts qualitative consumer satisfaction surveys with both ADRC consumers and surveys of the Consumer Board and Community Partners Advisory Board. The report contains the survey tool, methodology, findings and recommendations to improve satisfaction among these key stakeholder groups as part of the ADRC project’s continuous quality improvement approach.

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2005 Real Choice Systems Change Grant Awards

As part of the New Freedom Initiative, 17 states have been awarded Real Choice System Changes grants. The $25.8 million in grants is to help people of all ages with disabilities or long-term illnesses live in their homes and participate fully in community life. Review the list of Systems Transformation Grant Awardees and Family to Family Health Information and Education Center Awardees.

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West Virginia Real Choice Community Outreach Material

For the last two years, WV Real Choice has worked in collaboration with other agencies and organizations to create improvements in long term support systems so persons with disabilities and/or long term illnesses can make their own choices and have the necessary supports to live and work in their communities. Attached are the program's community outreach materials such as brochures, flyers, postcards and previous and current conferences advertising materials.

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