Resource Center

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Maryland Access Point (ADRC) Marketing and Outreach Plan

This draft marketing plan from the Maryland Access Point (MAP), the ADRC program in Maryland, primarily addresses the marketing of the web-based information system in development. In order to reach the range of audiences, the MAP project has consulted with an outside agency to create a wide mix of mediums including print collateral, cable, radio, and website advertising. Review the phases of their upcoming outreach.

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Link-Age Aging Resource Connection-Indiana’s ADRC Brochure, PSA and Website

Part of the national Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) network, Link-Age is an evolving concept in Indiana and growing. The informational brochure provides consumers a way to discover their website and the video provides another way to get information. From the site you can either be connected to a local agency’s web site or search the database for resources.

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Directory of Consumer-Driven Services (CDS) Website

The CDS Directory provides consumers, researchers, administrators, service providers and others with a comprehensive central resource for information on national & local resources. Consumer-driven programs have a proven track record in helping people recover from mental illnesses. This site highlights the vital role consumer-driven programs play in the continuum of care & allows programs to share their successful innovations with others. Browse the listings or submit your programs for inclusion.

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Setting Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria: Determining the Scope of a Resource File

How do Information and Referral Centers establish guidelines for inclusion in, and exclusion from, their resource databases? This overview from the National Aging I&R Support Center with permission from Information and Referral: The Journal of the Alliance of Information and Referral Systems discusses the need for formal criteria. Sample inclusion/exclusion criteria are appended.

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Information & Referral Database Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria

The Florida Department of Elder Affairs has set forth inclusion and exclusion guidelines for the integrated statewide information and referral database. This database will serve as a single point of access for information, counseling, referrals, assessment and eligibility functions, which will maximize consumer choice. The database includes entities that serve both Florida’s elders and their families, and adults suffering from severe and persistent mental illness.

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Streamlining Self-Assessment: Wisconsin

This worksheet helps ADRCs assess the hoops that consumers have to jump through to receive services. The goal of the worksheet is to aid ADRCs in planning for seamless entry into long term supports for consumers and serve as leaders in systems change. This tool can also be used for internal planning or with advisory or governing committees. Fill in the lines and boxes and see where to streamline and where there are barriers.

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Prioritization Assessment Instrument and Form: Florida

The attached assessment tools are used statewide throughout the Aging Network to collect information to streamline the eligibility determination referral process. Individuals with a high priority based on the screening are referred for a comprehensive assessment prior to care plan development and enrollment for services.

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Northeast Florida AAA Continuity of Operations and Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan

The State of Florida is vulnerable to a variety of hazards that threaten its citizens and the Northeast Florida AAA had developed both a number of resources in disaster preparedness. The Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan encompasses recognition of responsibilities in the event of a disaster. The continuity of Operations (COOP) Plan establishes policy and guidance to ensure the execution of the AAA mission essential functions.

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Maryland Access Point (ADRC) Advisory Board and Sub-committee Job Descriptions

The role of the Maryland Access Point (MAP) Advisory Board is to guide the design and operations of the Resource Center. MAP developed the attached job descriptions to assist board members in carrying out their roles efficiently. The board is composed of individuals representing all populations served by the program, including individuals who have a disability or a chronic condition and public, private, and government agencies that provide services to individuals served by the program.

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Financial Management for Independent Living Centers Training

IL NET of Independent Living Research Utilization (ILRU) will present a three-week distance learning course. The online program is designed to help CIL and SILC leaders manage organization finances more effectively. Upon completion, participants will be able to identify key components of sound fiscal management, develop fiscal reports, prepare and deliver agency and program budgets, identify fiscal risk management controls, and define appropriate roles for board and staff financial oversight.

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