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TAE Issue Brief - Long Term Support for Individuals with Disabilities

This brief provides background information on characteristics of the MR/DD population and describes the major information and service needs of the MR/DD population and the existing supports and services system. The brief also addresses implications for grantees serving this population and provides additional resources to facilitate ADRC planning and operations.

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ADRC-TAE Issue Brief: Portable Technology

How are ADRCs and other non-profits using mobile technology? For staff who spend time traveling to clients homes and providing services in a non-office setting, portable information is a must. This issue brief provides some basic information about the most common forms of mobile technology and some issues to consider before adopting portable equipment as a service delivery tool. Also included are the ways information is accessed, collecting client data plus the approaches used by other states.

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Intake and Referral Information: Bangor ADRC

The Bangor Eastern Agency on Aging ADRC project has shared a number of resources involving the Intake and Referral Process. The first is their policies which provide staff guidelines for consistency. The second resource is their intake questions to help record and collect information. Lastly, they have shared their feedback referral process and how to make this simple and accessible by the consumers.

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Activities and Accomplishments of the Family to Family Health Care Information and Education Center Grantees

This paper describes the activities of the 19 Grantees funded in fiscal year 03 and 04 from CMS and six Grantees funded in fiscal year 02 by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB). F2F Health Information Centers assist families of children with special health care needs. This paper provides information states and stakeholders will find useful when planning or implementing similar initiatives. Read about the grant activities, implementation challenges, and accomplishments.

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Care Coordination Notebook: Financing and Managing Your Child\'s Health Care

This Care Coordination Notebook helps families manage the care and growth of their child as they are involved with the many professionals who offer assistance and expertise. This notebook is designed to offer families basic information and a framework to help you gather information and coordinate care for children with special health care needs. The guide includes basic informational overviews, sample letters, and Take Action Forms.

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Real Choice Systems Change (RCSC) Grants Solicitation FY 2006

With this funding for Systems Transformation, CMS will be awarding several states and non-profit agencies with small supplemental grants. States and other eligible organizations, in partnership with their disability and aging communities, may submit proposals to design and construct systems infrastructure that will result in effective and enduring improvements in community long-term support systems.

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Real Choice Systems Change Grants: Compendium Fifth Edition

The Compendium contains basic information about each of the Real Choice Systems Change Grantees. The Compendium will help you learn more about how these grants will be used to allow more people of all ages with a disability or long term illness to live and participate in their communities. Real Choice Systems Change Grantees will also find the Compendium useful to identify other Grantees with similar goals and activities. The fifth edition of the Compendium replaces all previous editions.

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Maryland Access Point (ADRC) –Interagency MOU and MOA

The following Memorandum of Understanding and Memorandum of Agreement are examples between agencies including the Maryland Departments of Aging, Disabilities, Health and Mental Hygiene, and Human Resources and the Office on Aging. Use the state-level or local country forms as templates to creating your own agreements.

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