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Discussion Brief: Independent Living Centers: Experienced Local Partners for Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services

Centers for Independent Living (CILs) have been providing important services to individuals with disabilities since the 1970s. State Medicaid programs have contracted with CILs to provide Medicaid-funded services. This paper examines four important home and community-based services (HCBS) provided by CILs and funded by Medicaid: case management/support coordination; personal assistance services; nursing facility transition services; and equipment and home modification.

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Family Care Navigator: State-by-State Help for Family Caregivers

This section of the Family Caregiver Alliance website assists people in locating government, nonprofit, and private long-term care support programs in their respective areas. It includes services for family caregivers, as well as resources for older or disabled adults living at home or in a residential facility. It also includes information on government health and disability programs, legal resources, disease-specific organizations and much more.

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Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) Readiness Assessment

This assessment is designed to assist organizations in evaluating their readiness to perform key functions of ADRCs. The online version provides users with immediate feedback and links to resources to help build needed capacity. Functional areas measured include: organization and governance; personnel and training; service delivery and operations; outreach and marketing; IT; partnerships; and evaluation and monitoring.

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The MN Board on Aging, the agency with primary responsibility for, issued this RFP with the goal of contracting an organization to maintain the database underpinning the website. The site is an online directory of services helping people in Minnesota find human services, information and referral, financial assistance, and other forms of help. Proposals must be submitted by Friday, May 30, 2008.

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Real Choice Systems Change and Aging and Disability Resource Center/Area Aging Grant Solicitation FY 2008

CMS has available approximately $8 million in funding to continue to support States' efforts to address complex issues in long-term care reform. In addition, CMS was also awarded $5 million for Aging and Disability Resource Center /Area Agencies on Aging grants. Applications are due no later than July 17, 2008. Please see the full solicitation for details. Also included for background is a list of FY2007 grant recipients focused on person-centered planning and state profile tools.

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Real Choice Systems Change Grants: Compendium Seventh Edition

The Compendium contains basic information about each of the Real Choice Systems Change Grantees receiving awards in FY 2004. It includes information for the Family-to-Family and Systems Transformation Grantees who received awards in FY 2005 and FY 2006 plus the Person-Centered Planning Implementation awards in FY 2007. It is divided into sections corresponding to the different types of grants and year of award; the report helps Grantees identify others with similar goals and activities.

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Aging and Disability Resource Center Pilot Project Request for Proposals - Iowa

The Iowa Dept. of Elder Affairs was seeking proposals for development of two local ADRC pilot projects to provide a coordinated system of information and access in order to minimize confusion, enhance individual choice and support informed decision-making. Core functions include planning, collaboration, long-term services, supports & options counseling. Proposals were due on 3/20/08. Use this RFP as an example in developing similar products.

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ADRC Memorandum of Understanding with Partners - Washington

The Pierce County ADRC in Washington State uses this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with its partners to establish collaborative, mutual agreements. Included in the MOU are project descriptions, goals and services explanations, mutual agreement terms, including a requirement for cross-training, and confidentiality agreements.

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ADRC-TAE Issue Brief: Hospital-Based Nursing Facility Diversion Initiatives

In what ways can the hospital discharge process divert institutional placements or trigger follow-up during the initial weeks following a nursing facility admission? This paper is intended to help states, ADRC pilot sites, or other community organizations to evaluate their options for establishing a hospital-based diversion program and, where appropriate, take steps toward implementing a successful program.

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