Consumer/Participant Direction

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Technical Assistance Provider Contact Information

Beginning in 2001 and continuing in 2002 and 2003, technical assistance for the Real Choice Systems Change grantees has been provided by the Exchange Collaborative team (combined efforts of ILRU and Rutgers University/CSHP). These documents provide contact information for the TA providers and two charts indicating which Exchange Team is responsible for providing TA to the grantees. In 2002 & 2002, TA was divided according to states. In 2003, TA was distributed according to theme.

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Consumer-Directed Care and States’ Nurse Practice Policies

This issue brief summarizes a follow-up study conducted with the executive staff of state boards of nursing (BON). The goal of the study was to explore the executive staff members’ understanding of consumer-direction trends and the extent to which their own policies support the desires of consumers to direct their own care tasks, that some may consider “nursing care”.

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Improving The Quality Of Medicaid Personal Assistance Through Consumer direction

This paper presents findings from the Cash & Counseling demonstration in Arkansas. The report shows results from a survey of 1,739 elderly and nonelderly adults. The results include that relative to agency-directed services, Cash and Counseling greatly improved satisfaction and reduced most unmet needs. Additional results and presented and discussed.

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