Consumer/Participant Direction

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Exisiting Policy Barriers to Full Inclusion in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

Results of an Opinion Research Questionnaire in the Norther Mariana Islands. One hundred eighteen government and community organizations in Saipan, Tinian and Rota were surveyed to identify issues and solicit recommendations to remove policy barriers identified by the respondents.

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One Stop Toolkit

This website provides accessible and comprehensive tools and information to grantees who provide services that help individuals with disabilities find and keep good jobs. The resources help grantees widen the array and integration of services available at One-stop centers. This site is targeted toward state and local One-Stop service providers, but individuals with disabilities, advocates, parents, counselors and other professionals will find a rich source of information here.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Michigan: Increasing Access and Choice through Person-Centered Planning

The State of Michigan combined several funding sources in its contracts with local community mental health agencies, which serve people with developmental disabilities, mental illness, and addiction disorders. To ensure access and improve choice, the contracts require local agencies offer a wide array of services and use a person-centered planning process to determine a person’s service plan. In the first two years of using this model, access to services improved and costs were reduced.

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Arkansas SAHELLO Teleconference

Transcript of 10/10/2003 audio teleconference addressing Arkansas SAHELLO Web based information project. The SAHELLO project covers two very rural counties in the Southwest Arkansas. The purpose of the SAHELLO project is to develop and implement an integrated model of healthcare and social services delivery system for consumers and to make that a system consumer driven model.

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Violence Against People with Disabilities: Experiences, Barriers, and Strategies Web cast

This webcast focused on forms of abuse/violence/sexual assault against women and men with disabilities, barriers that get in the way of reporting abuse, and strategies that women and men with disabilities believe are important for enhancing their safety. Survey information, gathered directly from individuals with physical and cognitive disabilities as well as victims of domestic violence, disability organizations and criminal justice agencies, was shared with participants.

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Personal Assistance Services PAS website

The University of California & San Francisco’s Center for Personal Assistance Services provides research, training, dissemination & technical assistance. The center, which was created with the help of a grant from the National Institute for Disability and Rehabilitation Research, toffers number of useful resources, including materials about the direct-care workforce and a well-stocked library of publications on issues relating to personal assistance services.

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Strategies and Challenges in Promoting Transitions from Nursing Facilities to the Community for Individuals with Disabilities: A Pilot Study of the Implementation of Rider 37 in Texas

This study was designed as a small scale, pilot qualitative study of the implementation of Rider 37 in Texas.

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