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A Health-Conscious Safety Net? Health Problems and Program Use among Low-Income Adults with Disabilities

This brief examines employment & program participation patterns of low income adults with disabilities & how well the current safety net meets their needs. It compares low-income across employment, program participation & income status. These comparisons highlight some of the unique challenges & motivate broader discussion of gaps in the safety net. Particularly striking are the conflicting messages regarding work & program participation sent by existing programs & policies.

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Wisconsin's Family Care Final Evaluation Report

The Lewin Group under contract with Wisconsin's Legislative Audit Bureau examined the implementation, early outcomes, and cost effectiveness of the restructuring of Wisconsin’s long-term care system for the elderly, the physically disabled, and the developmentally disabled. The report offers key-findings based on over the past few years evaluation.

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Planning Retreat Presentations: National Vision and Expectations and Systems Overview

Two presentations from the South Carolina Planning Retreat in January 2004 can be found here. A presentation by Susan Reinhard, of the Community Living Exchange Collaborative, focuses on ADRC purpose, goals, and system issues. A presentation by Karen Linkins and Sharon Zeruld, TAE, focuses on national vision and expectations for ADRCs.

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You Have a Choice! DVD

You Have a Choice! DVD in four formats: standard, with English subtitles, with Spanish subtitles, and audio described. The video is excellent for informing consumers about their options to leave a nursing home and to educate nursing home staff, family members and the general public about the option of transition. Produced by the Nursing Facility Transition project at the Center for People with Disabilities in Boulder, CO. To recieve a copy of the DVD please contact Sharon Finney.

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CMS Letter: The Transition of Individuals from Institutional to Community Settings Through Medicaid Coverage of Medical Equipment Costs

In this letter, CMS outlines several methods by which states may facilitate the transition of individuals from institutional to community settings through Medicaid coverage of medical equipment (ME) costs. This letter also serves to reiterate the July 25, 2000, State Medicaid Directors’ letter on this issue and to encourage states to explore this opportunity for persons with disabilities.

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Promising Practices in Long Term Care Systems Reform: South Carolina\'s Services for Older People and People with Physical Disabilities

This report describes South Carolina’s programs for older people and people with physical disabilities to gain access institutional and community Medicaid supports through a single access point, and have increasing opportunities to direct their own services. The report also describes how the state has been particularly innovative in using information technology to improve the quality of community supports and participants’ access to services.

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Promising Practices in Long Term Care Systems Reform: Pennsylvania\'s Transformation of Supports for People with Mental Retardation

This report describes the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Office of Mental Retardation's efforts to implement a system-wide reform of its supports for people with mental retardation. The objective of this Transformation Project is to improve the quality of life of people who use publicly funded supports by providing them with more choices and greater control over these supports.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Indiana- Coalition of Organizations with Resources about Home Ownership and Rental

This report focuses on the Back Home in Indiana Alliance project. This project facilitates home ownership and rental by connecting people with disabilities and their families to a variety of housing organizations and resources. These organizations and resources include lending programs for low-income or under-served people, down payment assistance, grants for home modifications, and programs that link apartment seekers with appropriate, low-income rentals.

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