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Supporting Massachusetts’ Executive Branch to Become a Model Employer of People with Disabilities: Findings from Focus Groups with ADA Coordinators, Hiring Managers and Employees with Disabilities

Unemployment rates among people with disabilities is historically high. In Massachusetts, a Disability Task Force on Employment was formed in May 2008 to take a critical look at the Executive Branch’s current policies and practices and search for best practices in the public and private sector that pertain to recruiting, hiring, accommodating, promoting and retaining people with disabilities in the workplace. This report presents a summary of the focus group findings.

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Work Without Limits - Massachusetts

How does the state of Massachusetts disseminate important disability related information? Attached are four examples of issue briefs put out by Work Without Limits, a Massachusetts Disability Employment Initiative, that aims to educate consumers with disabilities as well as policy makers on relevant news and statistics. Some topics covered are disability prevalence, employment, income and poverty statistics, and more.

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Health Care Reform Summit - Maryland

How is the state of Maryland helping to keep individuals with disabilities up to date on important changes in health care policies and law? On December 8, 2010, the Maryland Department of Disabilities held a summit in order to provide information on important changes regarding “Newly Eligible” Medicaid, Medicaid Buy-In, and Medicare. Reivew the the presentation.

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Informational Sheets for Individuals with Disabilities - Louisiana

How is the state of Louisiana disseminating important information to individuals with disabilities who are employed or seeking employment? Attached are several examples of tip sheets developed by Louisiana’s Medicaid Infrastructure Grant project with funds from the Center on Medicare and Medicaid Services Medicaid Infrastructure Grant. Included is information on jobs, benefits, support, taxes, and more. May be replicable by other states hoping to provide similar outreach.

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Employment for ME Summit - Maine

On November 15, 2010, the CHOICES CEO Project sponsored an “Employment for ME Summit” to introduce Maine Department of Health and Human Services’ new employment policy. A resource page with extensive information about the summit, and links to technical resource materials disseminated at the conference, was put on a web page for those who couldn’t attend, and for ongoing reference for those who did attend. In addition, 14 important segments were put on YouTube.

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Barriers to Employment and SSDI for People Eligible for the Kansas Buy-In

How is the state of Kansas working to ensure that consumers can both work and receive the SSDI benefits that they are entitled to? Attached are several examples of studies done in the state of Kansas where individuals with disabilities were surveyed on important information such as why they delayed applying for disabilities benefits and barriers to finding employment. These findings may be beneficial for consumers as well as employers.

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Advancing Person-Centered Living -

Person-centered living (PCL) is a way of life centered on personal preferences and values that stress dignity, choice, self-determination and individuality. In one stop, use this national resource to find important information regarding PCL. Resources are directed towards consumers, caregivers, and professionals. This website also provides ways to connect with other consumers and caregivers.

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Americans Living with Disabilities and their Technology Profile

This study found that Americans living with disabilities were less likely to use the Internet than other adults, with only 44 percent of those with a disability using the Internet. In comparison, 81 percent of adults without a disability used the Internet on a regular basis. The primary reasons responders cited for low Internet use were lack of accessibility and proper accommodations to meet their needs.

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Crossroads: Home and Community-Based Services Online Community

Launched this spring, this new online community for advocates working to strengthen and protect home and community-based services unites professionals in the aging and disability fields so that they can share ideas with peers, collaborate, and find resources to enhance efforts in their states. Anyone with an interest in these issues is welcome to join.

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