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Work Activity and Use of Employment Supports Under the Original Ticket to Work Regulations: Highlights of the Fifth Ticket to Work Evaluation Report

Summary presents key findings from a collection of nine studies conducted in 2009–2010, focusing on the employment efforts of working-age (age 18 to full retirement). Three of these reports concern TTW participants and program issues, while the other 6 are studies on more general topics related to beneficiary employment and SSA work supports. These nine studies constitute the fifth report of the Ticket to Work program evaluation.

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Workplace Personal Assistance Services (PAS) for People with Disabilities: Making Productive Employment Possible.

This study explores the perceived value of workplace accommodations from the perspective of the individual users of PAS who had contacted the Job Accommodation Network (JAN). A follow-up survey assessed their perspective on the impact of PAS and other accommodations. The findings indicate that people who have considered or implemented PAS accommodations perception of work ability increases from being "Substantially Limited" with no accommodation to "Not Limited at All" with accommodiation.

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Effects on Beneficiary Employment and Earnings of a Graduated $1-for-$2 Benefit Offset for Social Security Disability Insurance

This study evaluated impacts on employment and earnings levels among people with disabilities of eliminating the cash cliff aspect of Social Security Disability Insurance, in which beneficiaries lose their entire cash benefit when their earnings become too high. Findings demonstrated that an SSDI offset can have a significant effect on the SGA earnings rate of beneficiaries, but that the effect may be limited to a subset of individuals, and may be enhanced when paired with healthcare protection.

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Veteran-Directed Home and Community Based Services Program

The Veterans Directed Home and Community Based Services program, sometimes referred to as Cash and Counseling for Veterans is designed to allow veterans who are potential candidates for nursing home placement to receive that level of care in their homes. The program provides veterans with a budget and allows them to choose their own care providers in place of receiving care services from the VA health care system. To learn more, explore this website.

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Impact of the Medicaid Work Incentive (MWI) program on earnings health care expenditures, and utilization of public assistance for individuals with disabilities

The Utah Medicaid Work Incentive (MWI) Program began in 2001 as a way to encourage low income people with disabilities to work without fear of losing needed health care services. The program allows people with disabilities to earn above the poverty level to have access to Medicaid as long as their income remains low. The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of MWI policy on recipients’ earnings, Medicaid expenditures, and use of other public benefits.

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Employing and Retaining Individuals with Disabilities - Utah

This Power Point presentation was put out by Utah's Work Ability for the fall Employer Workshop. The presentation educates consumers, families, and professionals on the Americans with Disabilities Act, available technology, agency services and supports, and more and how they can all be used as valuable resources to help the deaf and hard of hearing.

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Community Leadership for Employment First in Oregon: A Call to Action

On September 1 & 2 2010, over 50 stakeholders representing service providers, families, advocates and individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities came together at Oregon's Silver Falls Conference Center for the Employment First Summit, the kick-off event for the Employment First Outreach Project. Employment First's goal is full employment for working age adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Oregon. To learn more, explore this paper with recommendations.

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DiscoverAbility New Jersey - Website

New Jersey's DiscoverAbility operates with the mission of providing resources, networking opportunities and ongoing professional development to staff working in the field of disability employment. To access webinars, articles, and other important resources, explore their website. Also attached is an example of outreach work - a staff scholarship opportunity, providing five employees with the ability to attend a training conference. May be replicable by other MIG states.

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Employment Leadership Awards 2010 - New Hampshire

The state of New Hampshire's Granite State Employment Project presents Employment Leadership Award to employers who demonstrate leadership in their commitment to employing workers with disabilities in order to provide them with earned recognition as well as to share their success stories to raise awareness among other employers. May be replicable by other states seeking to provide MIG outreach and recognition.

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Work Incentives Connection Newsletters - Minnesota

Find two examples of quarterly newsletters produced by the state of Minnesota and directed at consumers with disabilities. Within the newsletters are personal stories from individuals with disabilities regarding employment, rehabilitation, finances and more as well as important information and resources for consumers. May be replicable by other states seeking to provide similar MIG outreach materials.

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