New Jersey

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State Experiences with Implementing the Cash & Counseling Project

This article describes two primary interactions between key policy implementation instruments and internal and external stakeholders that made New York's participation in CCDE not possible. This case study also provides some lessons for other states interested in developing Cash & Counseling models. The abstract for this article is available here.

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Qualitative Reports of Consumers and Caregivers

These stories, from Arkansas, Florida & New Jersey, are based on in-depth interviews with Cash and Counseling Demonstration and Evaluation (CCDE) clients, their families and caregivers, and program consultants. The research team developed a User's Guide to help the user navigate through the Reports easily and find information quickly and effectively. In addition, a detailed key word index exists for each Report to help the user locate specific information.

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Reducing Nursing Home Use Through Consumer-Directed Personal Care Services

This article focuses on the effect of Arkansas' Cash & Counseling demonstration on nursing facility use and expenditures. The results are compared to traditional Medicaid PCS and the affect on total Medicaid costs are examined. The abstract (free) and full report (subscription required) are available.

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Providing and Coordinating Supportive and F/EA Services

These presentations were part of the 2007 Government and Vendor Fiscal/Employer Agent Workshop. The presentations given by West Virginia, New Mexico, and New Jersey representatives explore the benefits and challenges of providing supportive and F/EA services under one umbrella organization versus providing them through separate vendor entities.

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Leveraging Philanthropic Investments to Advance Policy Change

This article by the Assistant Secretary for Aging, Josefina G. Carbonell, describes how the US Department of Health and Human Services' Administration on Aging leveraged the investments of a number of private foundations and entered into a partnership with them to develop, test, and support the initiatives that were eventually included in the Bush administration's Choices for Independence Reauthorization Proposal.

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What Impact Does The Ability To Purchase Goods And Services Have On Participants In Cash & Counseling Programs?

This issue brief, developed by the National Resource Center for Participant-Directed Services, examines the impact of the purchase of goods and services on participants. The brief uses information collected from project staff and program participants from the Cash & Counseling demonstration.

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Independent Choices: National Symposium On Consumer-Directed Care And Self-Determination For The Elderly And Persons With Disabilities

A summary from the June 2001 symposium titled, “Independent Choices: A National Symposium on Consumer-Direction and Self-Determination for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities”. Major themes and outcomes are highlighted based on the dialogue from the various speakers including policymakers, program administrators, consumer advocates, service producers, and researchers.

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Implementation Lessons On Basic Features Of Cash & Counseling Programs

Based primarily on interviews with demonstration staff and other stakeholders, this paper draws lessons from their learning process on the design of basic features, in the Cash and Counseling demonstration programs. The lessons pertain to cooperating with existing service providers; outreach and enrollment; counseling and fiscal services; consumer spending plans and allowances; controlling program costs; and preventing misuse of the allowance and exploitation of the consumer.

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