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Adult Day Services/Adult Day Health: Financial Viability and Scope of Services Provided Under Medicaid Waivers

Looking to better understand how states pay for adult day services through the Medicaid program? Comparing adult day services to other LTC provider types, adult day tends to be the most cost effective providers within the waiver or State Plan. This report looks at the scope of services provided by adult day and relates the clinical complexity of the care provided with the Medicaid reimbursement. Analyze the growth of programs in relation to the reimbursement and scope of services provided.

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Veteran-Directed Home and Community Based Services Program

The Veterans Directed Home and Community Based Services program, sometimes referred to as Cash and Counseling for Veterans is designed to allow veterans who are potential candidates for nursing home placement to receive that level of care in their homes. The program provides veterans with a budget and allows them to choose their own care providers in place of receiving care services from the VA health care system. To learn more, explore this website.

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Money Follows the Person: Change in Participant Experience During the First Year of Community Living

Mathematica released the sixth report in a series that use the latest data available on MFP grants and state efforts to transition Medicaid enrollees to community living and rebalance LTC systems. The report presents survey results showing change in quality of life, quality of care and community integration reported by 803 MFP participants after one year of community living. The authors explore policy implications for MFP and other transition programs.

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Community Leadership for Employment First in Oregon: A Call to Action

On September 1 & 2 2010, over 50 stakeholders representing service providers, families, advocates and individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities came together at Oregon's Silver Falls Conference Center for the Employment First Summit, the kick-off event for the Employment First Outreach Project. Employment First's goal is full employment for working age adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Oregon. To learn more, explore this paper with recommendations.

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National Spending for Long-Term Services and Supports

Long-term services and supports (LTSS) for the elderly and younger populations with disabilities are a significant component of national health care spending. In 2009, spending for these services was $203.2 billion (almost 10 percent of all U.S. personal health care spending), most of it paid by the federal-state Medicaid program. This publication presents data on LTSS spending by major public and private sources.

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DiscoverAbility New Jersey - Website

New Jersey's DiscoverAbility operates with the mission of providing resources, networking opportunities and ongoing professional development to staff working in the field of disability employment. To access webinars, articles, and other important resources, explore their website. Also attached is an example of outreach work - a staff scholarship opportunity, providing five employees with the ability to attend a training conference. May be replicable by other MIG states.

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Project SEARCH Start Up Information - New Hampshire

Serving as a single point of entry, the Project SEARCH program provides a comprehensive approach to employment, retention, and career advancement for individuals with disabilities transitioning from high school. New Hampshires' goal is to begin training the first Project SEARCH group of 12 student interns for the full school year starting in September 2011 and graduating that group in June 2012.

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Employment Leadership Awards 2010 - New Hampshire

The state of New Hampshire's Granite State Employment Project presents Employment Leadership Award to employers who demonstrate leadership in their commitment to employing workers with disabilities in order to provide them with earned recognition as well as to share their success stories to raise awareness among other employers. May be replicable by other states seeking to provide MIG outreach and recognition.

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RAGE College and Resume Presentations - Nevada

How is the state of Nevada preparing its youth to enter the job market or the world of post secondary education as they transition out of high school? Attached are two presentations on the subject. One presentation explains post high school options, such as post-secondary education and available job training and the second presentation provides education on creating a resume.

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Work Incentives Connection Newsletters - Minnesota

Find two examples of quarterly newsletters produced by the state of Minnesota and directed at consumers with disabilities. Within the newsletters are personal stories from individuals with disabilities regarding employment, rehabilitation, finances and more as well as important information and resources for consumers. May be replicable by other states seeking to provide similar MIG outreach materials.

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