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Crossing Great Divides: A Guide to Mobility Resources and Solutions in Indian Country

This resource guide highlights the importance of mobility options for American Indian elders and support the efforts of Title VI aging services and Tribal transit programs to provide transportation to elders living on reservations and Indian lands. Order the resource in hard copy from the NCST library or download the electronic version.

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Ensuring Consumer Protection for Dual Eligibles in Integrated Models

This issue brief is the first in a series of four papers designed to highlight pressing issues facing dual eligibles and provide recommendations to the Medicare-Medicaid Coordination Office, state Medicaid agencies and other interested policymakers and stakeholders on how to address them. This first paper provides recommendations for consumer protections in delivery system models that integrate Medicare and Medicaid.

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Relations Among Home- and Community-Based Services Investment and Nursing Home Rates of Use for Working-Age and Older Adults: A State-Level Analysis

Nursing home use declined among older adults (65+) in more than 2/3 of states but increased among older working-age adults (31-64) in all but 2 states. This article examines the associations between programmatic characteristics and rates of use. Although greater investment in Medicaid HCBS coupled with reduced nursing home capacity was associated with reduced rates of nursing home care for adults aged 65+, neither characteristic was associated among older working-age adults.

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Person-Centered Thinking Tools: Video

What is meant by person centred approaches, thinking and planning?Review a series of nine videos about person-centered planning. The goal of this project is to provide support for the creation of best practice and its implementation by individuals and agencies. Topics include history of lifestyle planning, training, how to get started and personal stories.

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2010 Fast Family Support Survey: National Results

This report describes a national survey developed in conjunction with PACER Center's Family Advocacy and Support Training Project (FAST) to increase understanding of the key information needs, unmet service needs, and service quality for youth and young adults with disabilities in transition from school to adulthood. Review results of a 2010 Internet survey of 2,416 parents or relatives of children and youth ages 11 years to 39 years with disabilities from 54 U.S. states and territories.

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Still in the Shadows with Their Future Uncertain

In 2010, a national Internet survey aimed to capture the perspectives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (ID/DD) and their family caregivers. The Family and Individual Needs for Disability Supports (FINDS) survey focused on issues including educational, housing, employment and support needs of people with ID/DD and their families. Data analysis was conducted by the Institute's Research and Training Center on Community Living; review the technical report on the survey.

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Valuing the Invaluable: 2011 Update - The Growing Contributions and Costs of Family Caregiving

The estimated economic value of family caregivers’ unpaid contributions contribution was approximately $450 billion in 2009. If family caregivers were no longer available, the economic cost to the U.S. health care and long-term services and supports systems would increase astronomically. This report updates national and individual state estimates of the economic value of family care using the most current available data, and provides recommendations for taking care of the caregivers.

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Health Reform Law Creates New Opportunities for States to Save Medicaid Dollars

Health care reform offers opportunities for cash-strapped Medicaid programs to save money and get extra federal dollars. Amid the budget shortfalls that most states are experiencing, state policymakers should carefully consider the new opportunities presented by health care reform and direct their resources to those that will both improve health outcomes and services and realize cost savings or efficiencies.

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Making Connections. Improving Lives: 2011 AoA Health and Dementia Grantee Meeting Resources

Looking to boost your healthy aging program? Find free tips on business planning, creating partnerships, using data to tell your story, tapping opportunities in Medicaid and health reform, and increasing consumer demand from our Center for Healthy Aging. The Center has posted presentations and resources from a recent grantee meeting for free download.

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