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General Guidance on Federally-Facilitated Exchanges

This document outlines the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) approach to implementing a Federally-facilitated Exchange (FFE) in any State where a State-based Exchange is not operating. This report also provides general guidance on how states can partner with HHS to implement selected functions in an FFE, key policies organized by Exchange function, and how HHS will consult with a variety of stakeholders to implement an FFE.

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How Many Disability Beneficiaries Forgo Cash Benefits Because of Work? Evidence from a New Measure

In recent years, the Social Security Administration (SSA) has placed a greater emphasis on increasing employment among people who receive federal disability benefits while also reducing their reliance on those benefits. SSA’s efforts have led to a growing interest among policymakers in exactly how many disability beneficiaries forgo cash benefits because they are working and how long they are able to remain off cash benefits. This brief summarizes findings from a longer report.

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Framework for Designing and Implementing Accessible Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Strategic Plans

As technology continues to transform the workplace, demand is growing for the development, purchase, maintenance and use of information and communication technology (ICT) that is accessible to and usable by all applicants and employees, including individuals with disabilities. This paper provides a framework that can be used to develop technical assistance tools to help employers design, purchase, lease, maintain and use ICT that is accessible to & usable by people with disabilities and others.

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Disability and Health Data System (DHDS) Website

CDC introduces an online interactive system that quickly helps translate state-level, disability-specific data into valuable public health information. With Disability & Health Data System (DHDS), users can customize how they view disability & health data throughout the country, making it easy to understand health disparity information, identify trends, & help support the development of fiscally-responsible, evidence-based programs, services and policies that include people with disabilities.

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Evaluation of the Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Mental Illness (PAIMI) Program

Summarizes a program evaluation of a Federally-funded state-based system to protect patient rights for those with significant mental health disability. The PAIMI Program was initiated in 1986 in response to congressional findings of widespread abuse, neglect, and exploitation of individuals in state psychiatric institutions. Twenty-two years later, the program is still addressing those issues, along with new problems arising from delivery of mental health services in community-based settings.

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Building a National Agenda for Supporting Families with a Member with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

This document outlines recommendations from the Johnson Foundation's Wingspread Conference to ensure that individuals with I/DD are fully integrated into society and the recognition of their families' role in their lives. Review the action steps and accomplishments.

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Administration for Community Living (ACL) website

All Americans including people with disabilities and seniors should be able to live at home with the supports they need and participating in communities. To help meet these needs, HHS is creating a new organization, the ACL with the goal of increasing access to community supports and full participation, while focusing attention and resources on the unique needs of older Americans and people with disabilities. Visit the website for funding opportunities and announcements.

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Paying for Senior Care: Understand Your Financial Options for Long Term Care website and the Eldercare Financial Resource Locator Tool were created and maintained by the American Elder Care Research Organization. The mission is to assist individuals in the planning and implementing of long-term senior care. The website is designed to help families and caregivers locate information about long-term care resources for their loved ones, and to find the public and private programs available to assist in covering the cost of such care.

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Medicaid's Role for Dual-Eligible Beneficiaries

This brief explains how Medicare beneficiaries become eligible for Medicaid, provides national & state-by-state data on enrollment, & examines national & state-specific data on Medicaid spending for dual-eligible beneficiaries by service & eligibility group. The Foundation also has a collection of resources on dual-eligible beneficiaries, including basic facts & data, and analysis & explanation of specific issues, which include provisions of health reform affecting dual-eligible beneficiaries.

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Dual Eligible Integrated Care Demonstrations: Resources for Advocates

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is currently working with states to design and implement new models for integrating the benefits and financing of both programs. This website is designed as a resource for advocates, providing resources, background information and, most importantly, in the Advocate Tools section, concrete recommendations that advocates need to engage constructively with their states to ensure that new models improve care for dual eligibles.

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