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Medicaid Financing for Services in Supportive Housing for Chronically Homeless People: Current Practices and Opportunities

In 2014, most homeless people will become Medicaid-eligible under the Affordable Care Act. Many homeless people have physical and behavioral health conditions for which they seek care through frequent use of emergency rooms and inpatient hospitalization, at considerable cost in public resources. Medicaid reimbursement is an important source of funding for services that help homeless people succeed in housing and stop such inappropriate use of crisis health services.

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Through the Eyes of the Caregiver - Family Caregiving 2011 Year in Review: A Compilation of Research, Programs, Legislation & Media Coverage

This is the second “year in review” of developments in family caregiving, and there remains considerable room for improvement in how this nation supports the over 42 million family caregivers (and growing) who provide an estimated $450 billion in “free” care annually. The guide provides an overview of key developments in 2011. Two shorter versions, "45 Facts About Family Caregivers" and "27 Things You May not Know about Women and Caregiving" are also available.

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National Emphasis Program – Nursing and Residential Care Facilities

Program provides guidance for a three-year effort to use OSHA outreach & inspections to reduce specific occupational hazards in nursing & residential care facilities. The Department of Labor identified the following hazards: Exposure to blood & other potentially infectious material; Exposure to other communicable diseases; Ergonomic stressors related to lifting patients; Workplace violence; Slips, trips, and falls; Exposure to hazardous chemicals & drugs.

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European Long-Term Care Programs: Lessons for Community Living Assistance Services and Supports?

Discussions were conducted to uncover lessons from abroad for Community Living Assistance Services & Supports (CLASS), a federally run voluntary public long-term care insurance program created under the Accountable Care Act of 2010. Discussions were conducted during an international conference of LTC experts, followed by personal meetings & individual correspondence. Findings indicate that programs in the five countries studied have lessons, both positive & negative, relevant to CLASS design.

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Medicaid and HCBS Data Update – PAS Center

This portion of the Center for PAS website presents various data and resources related to Personal Assistance Services by state. Recent updates include two sets of information concerning Medicaid home-and community-based services (HCBS). Users can select a state or select a specific topic such as state statistics, program data, and other PAS projects.

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A National Review of Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Autism spectrum disorders are among the fastest-growing developmental disability diagnosis in the US. This growing number highlights the need to learn more about the services & supports that are currently available for adults with ASD, & consider those that will be needed throughout their adult lifespan. The purpose of the study was to investigate how people with ASD are being served across states in HCBS, including service eligibility, state trends specific to autism services & lessons learned.

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National Respite Guidelines: Guiding Principles for Respite Models and Services

The Lifespan Respite Care Act defines respite care as “planned or emergency careprovided to a child or adult with a special need in order to provide temporary relief to the family caregiver of that child or adult.” Respite services may be provided in a variety of settings, on a temporary basis, including the family home, adult day centers, respite centers, or residential care facilities. Respite is a key component of family support & home and community-based longterm services and supports.

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ARCH State Respite Coalitions: A Compendium of Fact Sheets, 2011 Update

These documents prove useful to State Lifespan Respite Programs, which are mandated by federal funding, to work in collaboration with a state respite coalition. Each fact sheet contains the following information on each state respite coalition: Start-Up Process and Coalition History; Structure; Staff; Funding; Membership; Meetings and Communication; Major Activities; Available Documents (Bylaws, Strategic Plans, Surveys, Brochures, etc.); and State Contact Information.

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