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Livable Communities Website

This site showcases AARP’s policies and strategies that support a community’s efforts to create places where people of all ages can live independently as they age. Also, the website provides research on housing, transportation and land use issues with a focus on the impact on older Americans as well as publications on policy topics such as: aging in place, the state of US housing conditions for older adults, universal design and visitability, and "Complete Streets".

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Medicaid Financing: An Overview of the Federal Medicaid Matching Rate (FMAP)

A new paper provides an overview of the Federal Medicaid Assistance Percentage (FMAP), the formula which is used to determine the federal government's share of the cost of covered services in state Medicaid programs. It also reviews the various temporary changes to the FMAP formula that have taken place over the history of the Medicaid program. Beginning in 2014, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) establishes highly enhanced FMAPs for the cost of services to low-income adults.

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Medicaid Long-Term Care: Information Obtained by States about Applicants’ Assets Varies and May Be Insufficient

The Senate Finance Committee asked GAO to analyze states' requirements and practices for assessing the financial eligibility of applicants for Medicaid long-term care coverage. This report presents findings on the extent to which states (1) require documentation on assets from applicants, (2) obtain information from third parties to verify applicants' assets, and (3) obtain information about applicants' assets that could be used to implement eligibility-related DRA provisions.

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Coordination of Care for persons with substance use disorders under the affordable care act

Coordination of care activities and concepts include common cross-cutting themes. This report puts forth information regarding components of interventions that should be considered in the design, ongoing operation, and evaluation phases of most coordination of care efforts. It includes definitions, descriptions of funding programs, clinical programs, frameworks, and other state- and federal-level initiatives. The report pays particular attention to efforts germane to behavioral health disorders.

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Balancing incentive program: strengthening Medicaid Community-Based Long-Term Services and Supports

This technical assistance tool is a product of CHCS' Implementing the Roadmaps: Innovations in Long-Term Supports and Services program. Through this program, CHCS is helping participating states to rebalance and better manage an array of long-term services and supports for Medicaid populations. This brief highlights ways for states to participate in the Balancing Incentive Program, which offers enhanced federal financing to fund non-institutionally based LTSS within their Medicaid programs.

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Meeting the Needs of Diverse Family Caregivers

This report finds common themes between African American and Hispanic family caregivers and also between the nurses and social workers. The report suggests ways to improve collaboration and communication between families and professionals. Explores the needs of African American and Hispanic family caregivers, finding common themes between the two groups and also between the nurses and social workers.

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Across the States 2012: Profiles of Long Term Services and Supports

Published for the past 18 years, the Across the States series was developed to help inform policy discussions among public and private sector leaders in long-term services and supports throughout the U.S. Across the States 2012 presents comparable state-level and national data for more than 140 indicators, drawn together from a wide variety of sources into a single reference. This publication presents up-to-date data and is displayed in easy-to-use maps, graphics, tables, and state profiles.

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Elder Rights: Safeguards for the Most Vulnerable Among Us

The Older Americans Act provides funding for an extensive network of State and Area Agencies on Aging and local providers that coordinates and delivers services, and protects the rights of older persons.This document reviews three programs that AoA supports to promote the rights of seniors and protect them from abuse, neglect, and exploitation: the Elder Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation Prevention Program, Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program, and State Legal Assistance Development Program.

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This website provides detailed information of the Performance Outcomes Measures project (POMP), which aims to help states and Area Agencies on Aging assess their own program performance, while assisting AoA to meet the accountability provisions of the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) and the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) program assessment requirements. The website also offers an extensive list of resources and links related to POMP.

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