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Promising and Emerging Practices for Enhancing the Employment of Individual with Disabilities

This document identifies promising and emerging practices for advancing the recruitment, hiring, and retention of individuals with disabilities identified in 10 selected agency plans submitted under Executive Order 13548. This report addresses all promising and emerging practices used by these Federal agencies that are identified in their plans. This report may be used by Federal agencies to ensure that the Federal government becomes a model for the employment of individuals with disabilities.

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A New Way of Looking at Private Pay Affordability of Long-Term Services and Supports

The affordability of private pay services is an important component of LTSS system performance. This Insight on the Issues presents data on private pay affordability for every state and more than 400 markets in the U.S. There is wide variation in affordability between states and markets. Private pay nursing home care is not affordable for middle-income families. While less costly than nursing homes, home health care is still unaffordable for middle-income older people at typical levels of use.

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Consumer Perspectives on Quality Home Care

This report seeks to understand quality care from a unique perspective; the individual receiving or accessing paid care services and support in their own home. The Consumer Voice convened interviews, surveys, and a national focus group to determine how consumers define quality care, pinpoint needed care improvements and recommend policy actions to provide more access to quality home care. This report provides consumers with an opportunity to speak out and contribute to shaping the policies.

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Home Alone: Family Caregivers Providing Complex Chronic Care

This study challenges the common perception of family caregiving as a set of personal care and household chores that most adults already do or can easily master. The major shift is that the role of family caregivers has dramatically expanded to include performing medical/nursing tasks of the kind and complexity once only provided in hospitals. The findings highlight an urgent need for both individual and collective action. The report makes ten recommendations to support the current caregivers.

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What Works for Health Website

This web link is an online, searchable menu of policies and programs -each with a rating based on strength of evidence for factors that can help make communities healthier places to live, learn, work and play. Each of the policies, such as increased alcohol taxes, for example, and programs, such as early childhood interventions, included in What Works for Health is given evidence rating to help guide users toward choosing proven strategies.

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Planning for Medicaid Expansion: An Online Toolkit

The Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) has collected and created a number of tools and resources to help states design programs to address the needs of the Medicaid expansion population. This online toolkit shares these resources, including reports, briefs, case studies, and presentations, as well as links to a variety of state and plan materials. The Table of Contents has headers for Anticipated Needs, Benefit Options, Delivery System, Policy and Fiscal Considertations for States.

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Americans with Disabilities: 2010

This report is an update of an earlier report, "Americans with Disabilities: 2005." The 2010 findings indicate that approximately 56.7 million Americans have a disability, an increase of 2.2 million since 2005. Additionally, the number and percentage of Americans with a severe disability also increased. This document also presents descriptive statistics about disability prevalence and economic conditions of the people with disabilities.

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Evaluation of Waivers Granted Under WIA: Finding from Interviews with 20 States Final Interim Report

The Workforce Investment Act (WIA) is the largest source of federally-funded employment and training services. WIA allows states to apply for waivers of WIA regulations to provide greater flexibility in serving the needs of local populations. The Department of Labor approved more than 750 state-requested waivers of statutory and regulatory requirements between 2008-2010. This report evaluates selected waivers during the time period to examine the possible effects of waiver implementation.

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States' Implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

What actions states are taking to implement the Medicaid expansion? Specifically, the report addresses the following questions: (1) What are the states' responsibilities for implementing the Medicaid expansion? (2) What actions have selected states taken to prepare for the Medicaid expansion, and what challenges have they encountered?, and (3) What are states' views on the fiscal implications of the Medicaid expansion on state budget planning?

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Title IIID Highest-Level Criteria EB DPHP Programs Cost Chart

The Administration for Community Living AoA’s OAA Title IIID webpage now includes a chart searchable by keywords of all the highest-level criteria evidence-based (EB) disease prevention and health promotion (DPHP) programs that have undergone the AoA program submission process to become listed on the webpage. The Chart outlines thirty EB programs, including a brief description, costs, website and contact information, program goals, target audience, and training requirements.

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