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New Jersey Care Partner Support Pilot Program: Final Report

This report evaluates the experience with the New Jersey Care Partner Support Pilot Program (Pilot) that was conducted in four counties in New Jersey in 2011. The Pilot aims at improving the knowledge and skills of family caregivers caring for adult family members and friends participating in New Jersey’s Medicaid Global Options home and community-based services waiver (GO Waiver) and the state-only funded Jersey Assistance to Community Caregivers (JACC) program.

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Agency With Choice: Key Components for Practical Implementation while Maintaining Participant Choice and Control

Agency with Choice (AwC) is a model of Financial Management Services (FMS) in which an agency and a participant are joint employers of workers who provide service to the participant. This paper presents the benefits, challenges, and risks of AwC FMS and puts forth the National Resource Center for Participant-Directed Services (NRCPDS)’s list of key components for AwC FMS to be considered participant-directed, providing a model for consistency in future implementation of AwC FMS.

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Housing in America – The Baby Boomers Turn 65

The ULI published an article on the opportunities and challenges that the baby boomers has created for the U.S. housing industry. The challenge is to meet the diverse lifestyle needs of people in their senior years. Those who are moving desire urban locations where they can be close to many services such as restaurants, health care, and public transportation. The commonality across all aging baby boomers, however, is that they have an aversion to current and future institutional living.

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Medicaid Today: Results from a 50-State Medicaid Budget Survey for State Fiscal Years 2012 and 2013

This survey reports on trends in Medicaid spending, enrollment and policy initiatives for FY 2012 and FY 2013. The report describes policy changes in reimbursement, eligibility, benefits, delivery systems and long-term care, as well as detailed appendices with state-by-state information, and a more in-depth look through four state-specific case studies of the Medicaid budget and policy decisions in Massachusetts, Ohio, Oregon and Texas.

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Washington is the first state to enter into a MOU to participate in the new managed-fee-for-service Demonstration to integrate the service delivery across primary, acute, prescription drugs, behavioral health and LTSS. This document details the principles under which CMS and the State plan to implement and operate the Demonstration. It also outlines the activities CMS and the State plan to conduct in preparation for implementation of the Demonstration and initiate the Demonstration.

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Identifying Transition-Age Youth with Disabilities Using Existing Surveys

Using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health as a framework, this paper identifies definitions of disability for transition-age youth that can be used to compare and contrast statistics on the characteristics and outcomes of this population across different surveys.

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Institutional Level of Care Among Money Follow the Person Participants

MFP demonstration supports states' efforts to help Medicaid beneficiaries living in long-term care institutions transition back to community-based residences and make LTSS more accessible. Using nursing home assessment data, this report compared needs of MFP participants with a cohort of Medicaid long-stay nursing home residents who transitioned to HCBS in grantee states but were not enrolled in MFP, and a cohort of long-stay residents in MFP states who did not transition.

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Emergency Evacuation Planning Guide For People with Disabilities

This guide addresses the emergency procedure needs of people with a disability. It provides evacuation tips and general information for those who have five categories of disabilities, including impairments in mobility, vision, hearing, speech, and cognition. It also includes a Personal Emergency Evacuation Planning Checklist that building services managers, families, and people with disabilities can use together to design a personalized evacuation plan.

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Substance Abuse and Mental Health Data Archive (SAMHDA)

The Archive provides easy access to current and comprehensive data on substance abuse and mental health. All data sets are available for download directly from the SAMHDA website in multiple file formats. In addition, SAMHDA offers online data analysis, tools to customize graphs/charts, interactive maps, bibliographies, and user support.

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