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Options to Better Target Need and Improve Equity

This study examined (1) how intrastate funding formulas take into account older adults with greatest economic and social need, (2) options for modifying OAA title III and VII statutory funding formulas to better target older adults with the greatest economic and social need under generally accepted equity standards, and (3) what effect might these formula modifications have on states' program allotments and what transition measures could be used to ease the implementation of modifications.

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Connecting Older Adults and Persons with Disabilities with Personal Care Assistance

Several states are experimenting with solutions to help individuals who need long term services and supports connect with available workers. One approach is a publicly-funded matching service registry (MSR) that facilitates connections between qualified home care workers and individuals who self-direct their in-home services and supports. This document explains how registries can help match supply and demand, what the benefits of MSRs are for states and how to begin creating these registries.

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Opportunities for ADRCs to Strengthen the Home and Community-Based Direct Service Workforce

The availability of trained direct service workers is threatened by dramatic increase in population age 65 and older and the growing demand for long-term services and supports. This document explains why states and ADRCs need to focus on building their Direct Service Workforce to meet this growing demand.

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The Relationship between Older Americans Act Title III State Expenditures and Prevalence of Low-Care Nursing Home Residents

This paper aims at testing the relationship between older Americans Act (OAA) program expenditures and the prevalence of low-care residents in nursing homes (NHs). Principal findings indicate that increased spending on home-delivered meals was associated with fewer residents in NHs with low-care needs. States that have invested in their community-based service networks, particularly home-delivered meal programs, have proportionally fewer low-care NH residents.

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Integrating Medicare and Medicaid: Webinar

In light of the 26 states that have applied to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services for permission to integrate Medicare and Medicaid for dual eligibles, the webinar explained the processes involved in the demonstrations, with a focus on how the new systems will affect both assisted living and long-term services and supports. Visit the website to download a recording and slides from the presentation.

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Medicare: Best Bets for Reducing Costs of Dual Eligible Beneficiaries

What strategies addresses the growth in Medicare and Medicaid spending by improving the coordination of care and reducing the cost for those who are dually eligible for both programs? This report evaluated plans such as PACE, Minnesota Senior Health Options, the Wisconsin Partnership Program and Evercare, which showed a reduction of hospitalizations. PACE was included as part of the solution to controlling Medicare and Medicaid spending.

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