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Personal Support and Safety Plan Worksheet

This is an example of a personal support and safety plan. This document can be used with clients to determine what they hope to accomplish, design a people map and outline important and positive characteristics about themselves. The plan then focuses on support and what others need to know to provide assistance. Lastly, the plan address what is happening in life (ups and downs) and forms an action plan.

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Summary Notes from the National Summit on Self-Determination and Cognitive Disabilities

The Community Living Exchange Collaborative At ILRU has prepared this summary notes from the National Summit on Self-Determination and Cognitive Disabilities held on April 26-28, 2004. The notes provide an overview of how to: plan for risk, manage risk, optimizing independent functioning, organizing community, natural and peer supports. Each subject is broken into the tools needed, changes needed, solutions, and training needed.

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Long-Term Support Direct Care Arrangements in Wisconsin Counties: Survey Results, 2004

This report summarizes information from the WI Department of Health and Family Services, Bureau of Aging and Long Term Care Resources (DHFS-BALTCR) Nursing Home Transition Real Choice Systems Change grant. A survey colleting information is an important initial step to assist county and state-level program and policy planners. This report provides an overview of the ways in which counties purchase direct care and support services for elderly people and people with disabilities.

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You Have a Choice! DVD

You Have a Choice! DVD in four formats: standard, with English subtitles, with Spanish subtitles, and audio described. The video is excellent for informing consumers about their options to leave a nursing home and to educate nursing home staff, family members and the general public about the option of transition. Produced by the Nursing Facility Transition project at the Center for People with Disabilities in Boulder, CO. To recieve a copy of the DVD please contact Sharon Finney.

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Workforce Initiatives Teleconference

More than 30 of the 101 Systems Change Grants that began in FY 2001 or FY 2002 have activities to improve the recruitment, retention, or quality of the direct service workforce. RTI International conducted phone interviews with the 20 FY 2001 grantees with workforce activities and conducted site visits with 7 of them to document their initiatives. This teleconference presentation will address a policy framework that identifies initiatives that appear promising to states.

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Community Living Brief: Framework for Building State Level Personal Assistance Services Infrastructure

This brief addresses personal assistance services which are the hands-on support that people with disabilities use to participate more fully in community living. These services are related to personal care that people would do for themselves if not for a disability, e.g. bathing, eating, dressing, getting in or out of bed or a chair, using the toilet, housekeeping, these personal care services are known as Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) or Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs).

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