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Community Living Exchange Collaborative Online: Resources for Everyone Working to Improve Home and Community Based Services

This presentation highlighted The Community Living Exchange Collaborative Web site and the various features available to a wide array of audiences, including states, policy makers, advocates, researchers, consumers, and other entities involved in building systems that provide services and supports that reflect the needs and preferences of individuals of all ages with disabilities.

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Principles of Adult Learning Audio Teleconference

This teleconference is designed to assist grantees that are preparing new curricula for trainings and other activities or who are engaged in the effective communication of information. Kathleen McInnis-Dittrich is the presenter for this teleconference, and she is an Association Professor in the Boston College Graduate School of Social Work, where she teaches social work with elders, social work practice, and methods in professional education.

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Community Living Brief: Consumer/Survivor-Operated Mental Health Services

This Community Living Brief addresses the issue of consumer/survivor–operated programs and how they have had a significant impact on the delivery of mental health services in this country. The central values of consumer-operated services (empowerment, choice, and to a growing extent, self-determination) now are recognized within the traditional mental health system. At a systems level, consumers/survivors have a formal and recognized voice in planning, implementation, and research.

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Arkansas SAHELLO Teleconference

Transcript of 10/10/2003 audio teleconference addressing Arkansas SAHELLO Web based information project. The SAHELLO project covers two very rural counties in the Southwest Arkansas. The purpose of the SAHELLO project is to develop and implement an integrated model of healthcare and social services delivery system for consumers and to make that a system consumer driven model.

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Violence Against People with Disabilities: Experiences, Barriers, and Strategies Web cast

This webcast focused on forms of abuse/violence/sexual assault against women and men with disabilities, barriers that get in the way of reporting abuse, and strategies that women and men with disabilities believe are important for enhancing their safety. Survey information, gathered directly from individuals with physical and cognitive disabilities as well as victims of domestic violence, disability organizations and criminal justice agencies, was shared with participants.

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Strategies and Challenges in Promoting Transitions from Nursing Facilities to the Community for Individuals with Disabilities: A Pilot Study of the Implementation of Rider 37 in Texas

This study was designed as a small scale, pilot qualitative study of the implementation of Rider 37 in Texas.

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Technical Assistance Provider Contact Information

Beginning in 2001 and continuing in 2002 and 2003, technical assistance for the Real Choice Systems Change grantees has been provided by the Exchange Collaborative team (combined efforts of ILRU and Rutgers University/CSHP). These documents provide contact information for the TA providers and two charts indicating which Exchange Team is responsible for providing TA to the grantees. In 2002 & 2002, TA was divided according to states. In 2003, TA was distributed according to theme.

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Community Living Brief: Workforce Planning: How to Recruit and Retain Mental Health Workers

This Community Living Brief describes the direct and indirect costs of the mental health worker shoratge crisis as they pertain to employers, staff members and consumers. Developing and maintaining an effective workforce requires the same sort of highly planned and systematic approach as any other organizational function. The Brief outlines the five basic steps involved in workforce planning are.

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