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Employment and Social Security Information for Youth - Florida

How is Florida helping their youth with disabilities to transition into the job market and find employment? Find a presentation with information on applying for SSI benefits and work incentives, helpful hints regarding job interviews, as well as sample resumes. These resources could be useful to other states seeking to address this demographic.

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Disability and HR: Guidelines for Human Resources Professionals - Florida

Review a presentation aimed at educating human resource workers on how to properly recruit and work with individuals with disabilities. Information is provided on the Americans with Disabilities Act, hiring individuals with disabilities, reasonable accommodations, etc.. Also attached is a quiz on the information that could be used to test HR professionals’ knowledge.

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Testing a SSDI Benefit Offset: An Evaluation of the Wisconsin SSDI Employment Pilot

Wisconsin was one of four state based projects authorized by the SSA to begin testing a proposed benefit offset feature for the SSDI program. The pilot program was able to organize and implement its activities much as had been planned, however there were serious implementation problems at the Social Security Administration, according to this report which presents findings from both a process evaluation and the analysis of participant employment related outcomes.

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MIG Work Plans and Activities - District of Columbia

How are states educating Disability Services providers and other project stakeholders on their MIG plans? Attached are two diagrams of the components and status of MIG projects and activities used in the District of Columbia during planning meetings. These graphic descriptions may be replicable by other states looking to present similar information.

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The DC Metro Business Leadership Network - District of Columbia, Virginia, and Maryland

How can we raise awareness that hiring individuals with disabilities makes good business sense? The mission of the DC Metro Business Leadership Network is to engage and inform regional businesses about the benefits of and resources available for active employment outreach to qualified individuals with disabilities. Attached are outreach materials created by this network.

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Supporting the Supervisor: Helpful Information for Information & Assistance Supervisors - Toolkit

The information and assistance (I&A) service is a cornerstone of the ADRC. This guide provides tools that I&A supervisors can use to cultivate, mentor and maintain a top-notch team of professionals. It incorporates tools developed and used by two ADRC’s in Wisconsin, and includes tools for recruitment and hiring, ongoing communication, training, and performance feedback and appraisal. A number of sample forms are provided.

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A Guide to Understanding Adult Guardianship and Guardianship Alternatives in Maine – Online Tutorial

Help preserve an individual's right to make decisions about their life. Find the least restrictive ways to provide them with care, supervision and support they need. This resource is both a course and a reference guide to help people learn about guardianship and its alternatives to help make informed decisions. While geared towards friends and family, care coordinators, support staff, case managers and attorneys may find the information useful as a review and reference for their clients.

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Ticket to Work Ambassadors - California

How is California disseminating information to its disabled college students and newly graduated college students about work incentives and who to connect to in the community to obtain assistance? The California Ambassadors Program hires and trains disabled college students to provide outreach and education for fellow disabled peers. Attached, find a multitude of resources, presentations, and trainings put out by the state of California regarding this important program.

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Medi-Cal 250% Working Disabled Program Presentations and Resources - California

This program was established so workers with disabilities and earned income under 250% of the Federal Poverty Level could keep coverage by paying a monthly premium. It provides choice and opportunity to Californians with disabilities who would otherwise be ineligible for full scope Medi-Cal coverage due to earned income and work activity. Included are presentations and resources intended to educate consumers on this and other MIG programs.

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